Mbeki agrees to step down as president..

Although it was not immediately clear how soon Mr Mbeki would leave office, the move may bring forward elections which will almost certainly be won by Mr Zuma, the party leader.
It is likely that an interim president will step in for a few months, however.
The timing and circumstances of Mr Mbeki's poltical demise were both unexpected and humiliating.
A spokesman for Mr Mbeki told a Johannesburg talk radio station the president had agreed to resign after the ruling National Executive Committee of the African National Congress announced that it would remove him from office.
The decision, after an all-night meeting on Friday, brought to an end nearly ten years of his rule which has seen South Africa make real economic progress.
"Following the decision of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress to recall President Thabo Mbeki, the President has obliged and will step down after all constitutional requirements have been met," a spokesman for the presidency said.
His departure amounts to a political earthquake in Africa's biggest power and the region's economic giant, and could take it into uncharted political waters.
In recent months it has become clear that Mr Mbeki has lost a power struggle against his bitter rival Jacob Zuma, the ANC's leader. The president was ousted from the party leadership in December.
But intense pressure to quit built up last week following a judge's ruling which implied that Mr Mbeke was instrumental in Mr Zuma being charged with corruption. The charges were dismissed.
If Mr Zuma had been convicted he would not have been able to run for president, but the ruling clears the way for him to make a bid for power.
With no real party opposition to the ANC he will almost certainly win a General Election, a prospect that worries many in South Africa's business community.
There were fears that cabinet ministers could quit together with Mr Mbeki, a possibility that could have led to turmoil in South Africa's government and economy.
Fottball is more important than anything else.. Anyway, now he can "zoma" into the office and focus on completing the stadia and ensuring the safety of the spectators..
...trust MD to bring the important issues to light!
Oh boy.... Mbeki believed HIV doesn't cause Aids.... Zuma (who's married to I believe 4 women right now) believed that once he 'raped' (oh wait, those charges were interestingly dropped) or had 'consensual sex'
with this HIV positive woman that all he had to do was shower afterwards and would be protected from HIV/Aids and wasn't it the Health Minister who was confident that Beetroot would assist in the cure for Aids???
THIS is the leadership for ZA.
Sorry to all of the Zuma supporters out there.... I LOVE South Africa but right now, I'm glad I left and I really worry about the future of such an amazing, multi-cultural, beautiful country.
Britexpat au contraire...I quite like Ms. Jolie.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
I hope they wont end up as many other african countries. best wishes for SA they have been an example for Africa. even though there has been racial tensions recently.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Why are all vimmin against sexy Angelina ??
Anyway, I agree with you about Mbeki. He did himself no end of harm with his views on Aids..
South Africa has changed a lot since he came to power, but for some reason he has not got any credit. Is it because of his personality or actual policies?
The beginning of the end??
The next Zimbabwe??
The new guy does'nt look anything like to me but prove me wrong Jacob, for the sake of SA
just eat another pie
So many people underestimated Jacob Zuma. I have seen few people as cunning as that man. Or as manipulative. Angelina Jolie aside.
Gotta hand it to this man. He knows exactly what he's doing and was constantly on the offensive. While Mbeki was busy convincing himself HIV doesn't cause AIDS and covering Madman Mugabe's a55. He should have concentrated on covering his own.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ------------
Jacob Zuma.. oh lawdy. It will affect the worldcup. I wonder if those stadiums will even be completed just in time for the huge world event.. especially if he wins presidency.
Better you work for some newspaper!
I am afraid this could also affect the Soccer World Championship in 2010