Maze Pearl Closed

By Kingharvest •
There is a sign on the door saying that the Gordon Ramsay Doha Maze has relocated to St Regis.
The following article confirms they are opening a restaurant there, but does not mention the closing of the Pearl location.
But it is shuttered.
Flor is right - there, i said it!!! The decision made concerning the sale of alcohol and the reluctance to reverse that decision is I believe central here. Ramsay is a "My way or the highway kinda guy" but at the end of the day he is a businessman - if Maze had continued to put the same number of bums on seats as it had when punters could enjoy a slight glass of chablis with their roasted Bloater, then clearly he wouldnt be taking his business elsewhere UNLESS the venture just didnt take off in the first instance - wine or no wine!! Whatever, it was a business decision. Maybe it was a location issue??
there, I said it. Let's hear it from the good people themselves.
the light? hm
there are many shops and hotels closing all over Doha due to lack of business and high cost of operations. Conside Maze also to be one of them.
Expected? Hmmmmm.
I wanted to go and have a look at that one too. Bugger. I wish someone would just make up their mind. Either sell booze or don't and keep it that way. These poor restaurants (more importantly, the workers) that had just opened are now having to close. The Pearl is over-rated anyway. Give me the QR12 roast chickens out on the footpath on Khalifa street any day.
Continuously short sighted - the authorities that is, not GR.
I guess after their business model was attacked, they felt they had no choice.