Maybe its just me.
When I go shopping more often than not the guy serving behind the counter is talking to his mate or another customer, just talking without doing anything in particular. I stare at him trying to get his attention, sometimes waiting for 10 minutes for him to even acknowldege me. Eventually after the conversation finishes he will decide to serve me in his own time.
This isn't just the local corner shop but it happened at the carrefour fish market. Is this supposed to be a normal thing, am I the one being rude?
and be petty to the person in the fish stall who couldnt give me the time of day.
why even bother going to this place,where no one really cares?
bring your business somewhere else...
customer service in the States is terrible and often people hate their jobs so much they take it out on the customers.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Basically the country lack in customer service not only in the shopping malls but in other service industries such as airlines or banks......And no one is doing anything to improve due to lack of competition in the country... ……at the same time (not offending anyone) not trained to work in customer service and lack in necessary education....
Many occasions, I have left shopping cart full of things due to such behavior.
we desperate need online shopping like Tesco or Wal-Mart……
well I completely agree with the Popcornbabe before you accept the job, you should have known by the that time your responsibilities and if the reason you are not being paid right and unhappy then the slot is available for other who would do the job and not complain.
I am tired of doing that. I too work long hours, I too have kids, I too don't earn what I could back home. We are all here to do our jobs and get paid for them.
If they took the job they should do the job. If they are that unhappy, let them go back and see how bad it is then.
I agree with you Brit. There is a severe lack of public service over here and it needs to get sorted, if I acted like some of these over here I would be sacked.
Stop cutting them slack, they applied for a job, they knew what they were getting, they took it, it is their job, so get on with it.
Why take it out on the customer, when it could be the customer that could actully be the one that praises them to a Manager.
They do themselves a great injustice.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
If we did that, we would have to avoied most of the shops in Doha :o(
cut them some slack, they are overworked and underpaid. all it takes is a little understanding, and patience, and like Alexa said, just say "excuse me", tell them nicely what you want, and reward them with a smile when they've served you.
better call his attention right away, sometimes they do that just to kill the time.
"I don't go back on my words, that's my way of ninja"
complain to a manager and walk out and never go back.
Rude, rude people.
Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)
all your items & leave the cashier, I think he/she is not interesting with your money. So you can shop for free
I am not surprised. Any criteria in Qatar starts with nationality. Just like priority in getting a job, nationality comes first.etc. I have been in the same fishy carrefour market, their own people or equivalent will be served immediately. The talking is just an excuse.
If the shop keeper or anyone is so careless about his/her work then make them care. Get his attention, "accidently" drop stuff from his counter if you still dont get their attention maybe they dont want you to pay for what u need so just take it home for free. Next time when they get their salary, after that they'll be careful ;-)
Same thing happened with many places in Doha, recently this happened with me in Al Emadi hospital where group of nurses standing and chatting at the receiption and asking me to go to several departments to bring my labortory reports. The solution is that there should be a supervisor with immediate manager for all employees who are working at customer service and front offices. They must be trained, and accountable.
I just use the ever popular "OI!"
100% Success rate so far
It is rude but unfortunately it happens in a lot of places.
It happened with me in Emadi Hospital, Lulu ...
Staff at the counter would just keep chatting and act like no body is standing there .. i stopped the trend of "waiting till noticed" and i immediately ask for attention by loudly saying "excuse me" :)
Never happened to me.. maybe because I am a very impatience man..:) I would say ...Oi do you mind serving me..:)
I really wanted those prawns, so I didnt want to P him off. Didnt know what he would do if he takes them around the back for a few seconds.
lol EMN.... Man how could u sit for tat much time ??
Alexa, it isnt a easy thing u see.
rizks im serious it happened to me before he made me sit for like 15 mts...........while he was talking to his wife abt what she cooked for dinner... etc etc
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
no wonder u end up with tat hair as shown in ur
Ahh !!
If it was me, i would have thrown tat Fish on his face and made him listen to
its even worse when u go for a haircut and the guy cutting your hair.... gets hooked on a call.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
sorry to hear about your experience.. it also happens to me every once in a while, but when it does, i make sure to tell him/her to do their job first.. happened to me once, we were at this translation/typing office, this guy was already holding my paper and he paused to talk to his co-worker, i butted in and told him to finish his job first before doing some sideline chitchats, of course i said that with brows raised..he got the point :P