Massacre in Eastern AL Ghouta's - Damascus - SYRIA

Massacre in Eastern AL Ghouta's towns due to chemical weaponry - Wednesday, 21/8/2013
At least 400 martyrs reported up until now
At around 3:00 a.m. in the morning, regime's forces fired rockets with chemical heads on Zamallaka and on Al Zainia area in Ein Turma. Jobar district was slightly affected by as the gases were driven to it by the wind. A big number of civilians were consequently subjected to the gases, leading to the martyrdom of tens of them. Up until now, primary reports from makeshift hospital of Arbeen (where victims were taken) report 41 martyrs fell (22 children, 11 women, 8 men), 5 other martyrs were taken to Douma, 40 martyrs documented by videos in Saqba, and at least 20 martyrs inside Ein Turma itself. Most activists report that death toll amounts to more than a 100 up until now. Many of the martyrs are children, seen in videos below suffocating to death.
Do note that the death toll is very hard to report right now as there are up to 80 civilians in critical conditions in a medical point in Arbeen solely, not mentioning all the other areas to which the patients subjected to the chemical weapons were taken to. [Note: patients were taken to several areas for treatment including Arbeen, Saqba, and Douma].
Symptoms of the patients include nausea, hallucinations, suffocation, hard coughing, high blood pressure, seizures, during affection and post-death gargle, etc. Still, no clue of the chemical weapon/toxic gas that was used by the regime's forces to target the innocent civilians.
Families are fleeing the targeted areas to Saqba and several other nearby areas as reported by activists there as they are utterly horrified. Activists also report the lack of Atropine that is usually used to treat civilians during chemical attacks by the regime; oxygen tanks are not available too. Medics are only using vinegar to the mouth and nose and are washing the bodies of the victims by water.
--Doctor speaking from a medical point in Eastern Al Ghouta, also receiving victims of chemical weaponry:
--Photos/videos of martyrs taken from Arbeen:
(21 martyred children and 8 martyred men in video solely)
(father carrying martyred daughter)
(one of the martyred children)
(one of the martyred children)
(2 martyred children)
(martyred man)
(one martyred child)
--Victims of chemical weaponry:
(child suffocating)
(child affected; blue lips due to suffocation)
(civilians on ground)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPZwlhsglIs (huge number of victims on ground)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXwS4_E3OQE&feature=c4-overview&list=UUr0... (children affected)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfTKTlf4-Dg (children affected; lips blue due to suffocation)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc5kqpYyT2c&feature=c4-overview&list=UUfM... (attempts to resuscitate a child)
--Photos/videos taken from Hamoureyyeh:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlYSmoa6BUs&list=UUQ57A4S-uWJrpi8j5AN9N5Q (tens of civilians on ground in a medical point, suffocating)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK1Nu8A1jEo&feature=c4-overview&list=UUQ5... (attempts to resuscitate children)
--Photos/videos from Saqba:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBq0HJs_ggw&feature=c4-overview&list=UUPJ... (ambulance cars rushing to rescue victims)
(3 videos documenting martyrdom of 40 civilians in one medical point)
http://youtu.be/Qa0fWpKmFuY (part 1)
http://youtu.be/t8H_iuI56zY (part 2)
http://youtu.be/zUnehzxsUGs (part 3)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UU_uONafGE&feature=youtu.be (doctor speaking of symptoms )
http://youtu.be/nRDkuRGNFiE (children suffocating to death)
http://youtu.be/YVTZSLUtLOQ (child suffocating to death)
--Photos/videos taken from a medical point in Jesreen:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkWdhXtP3kw&feature=youtu.be (civilians on ground; suffocating, with seizures)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpiqnS8OuIs&feature=youtu.be (one of the cases of suffocation)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPWfQ6wEa5U (victims, some martyred, on ground)
(tens of martyrs on ground)
--Photos/videos taken from another medical point in Eastern Al Ghouta:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-IkS3HIm6U&feature=c4-overview&list=UUvZ... (civilians terrified; tens of casualties on ground)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de278-eftBA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUvZ... (civilians terrified; tens of casualties on ground)
(children mostly/men affected by chemical weaponry; failing attempts of resuscitation due to lack of medical supplies)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGOAmM1rN8s&feature=c4-overview&list=UUvZ... (toddler suffocating to death)
Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un (To him we belong and to him is our return) May ALLH Subhanavatalh help all those brothers and sisters from the gruesome situation in syria Aameen
Wrong. There are so many Syrians in Qatar.And they must be on QL too.
I also flagged as offensive. This pictures are gruesome and I am afraid it will do nothing but perpetrate more violence from both the sides.
You're right both sides are murdering, in fact all sides are
I flagged it cuz I felt it was one-sided.
Yeah, better to comment on the I'm feeling sad threads or worrying about your wedding....
I had to flag this one.
I’m sorry (:
Yea RIP - with allies.
Stupid Asad is not giving up and Stupid Americans are arming the so called Islamists.
La hawal wala Quatta Illa Billah !!!
Very sad and heat breaking indeed
When that will Stop
I think you'll find it is Qatar and Saudi arming the islamislits in Syria. Of course first buying the weapons from America as they do not have the capability to make them themselves.
Leaders in the Middle East are 'great' if you do what they say, as soon as you want to think for yourself or disagree with them they rain death upon you. (That includes the GCC)
Very very heartbreaking images, and a very tragic reminder that indeed the situation for many Syrians are truly the stuff nightmares are made of. Allahu Must3aan..
Syria is now worse than Iraq and finding a solution is not easy as there are so many factions now.
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
I lost control on my tears.. so tragic.. desires to pull down and desires to be on power have really crossed their limits. Innocent civilians paying a heavy price. I feel shame as I dont have any words worth to talk.
May they rest in peace.
What is happening own Syria is a disaster but it seems the world has moved on now. Certain countries are using Syria as a proxy battleground and the Islamic terrorists are moving in as well. Shame what is happening to such a historic country
Innalillahiwainnniilahirajioon ! :(
Sad, very sad.