Martian landscapes
Since 2006, NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been orbiting Mars, currently circling approximately 300 km (187 mi) above the Martian surface.
On board the MRO is HiRISE, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera, which has been photographing the planet for several years now at resolutions as fine as mere inches per pixel.
Collected here is a group of images from HiRISE over the past few years, in either false color or grayscale, showing intricate details of landscapes both familiar and alien, from the surface of our neighboring planet, Mars.
I invite you to take your time looking through these, imagining the settings - very cold, dry and distant, yet real. (35 photos total)
I am quibbling over the word 'generated' - all images are generated by something - eg lenses, photographic emulsion, developing chemicals, the eye, the brain etc
The term 'computer generated' implies that these images are imaginary, not based on a real scene, made up etc
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Excellent.. I am surprised by some of the photos because the terrain is much less hostile then we are lead to believe.
"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."
But photons are all the same, adey. They have no mass, and no electric charge. So how can they draw a picture then, unless you have a computer generating the picture from photon or not photon?
Computers use data from light photons coming from the surface of Mars, some then have false colour added to reveal more detail - that is totally different from being 'generated' by computers.
Also the photos have been cropped from their Nasa originals to acheive more pleasing abstract compositions.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
What do you think, guys, they are computer generated, aren't they. The data come in 1s and 0s and are interpreted and compiled to generate what you see. The scientist always has his preferences for the interpretation of the data, sometimes he likes more blue, or more red. Every picture that NASA gets from their telescopes are binaries.
We seem to share similar tastes I was about to say but then timebandit takes that comment away from me...
Thanks adey. They almost look computer generated don't they?
Why is it only you and me appreciating this, sandee?
Wow... Thanks for sharing...
Stunning pictures, thanks for the link, adey.