Man's inhumnity to man!

Mexican gangsters who kidnapped a five-year-old boy killed him by injecting sulphuric acid into his heart after his mother publicised his abduction, police said last week.
Miguel Mancera, Mexico City’s attorney-general, displayed the syringe said to have been used by five gangsters under arrest over Javier’s death. They allegedly confessed that they had wanted to be known as the “Vitriol Gang”, after an alternative name for sulphuric acid, to distinguish themselves from dozens of others. The acid was siphoned off from old car batteries.
The boy vanished two weeks ago while playing at the central market in Iztapalapa, a “barrio” or slum of more than 1m people. His mother, Laura Vega, who lives in a breeze-block house with a corrugated iron roof, feared he had been kidnapped but realised she would be unable to afford a ransom.
His picture was broadcast on television, prompting a taxi driver to say he had driven the tearful boy and a teenager claiming to be his brother to a house outside the city. Police raided the building but it was too late.
Mancera said that the moment Javier’s picture had been shown, the kidnappers plunged the needle into the boy’s heart killing him instantly. They buried him on a hill outside the city. The police recovered his body hours later.
Police said the gang had been preparing to demand a £12,000 ransom, but did not know where to send their demand as the boy was too terrified to speak.
Last Monday Javier was reburied in a white coffin near his home. His mother told reporters she did not know why the gang had targeted her family, as they had little money. “He didn’t have to die like that, so far from his family,” she said.
She added that the kidnappers should face the death penalty so that they would suffer “the way my son suffered”. However, capital punishment was abolished in Mexico three years ago.
Sunday Times
the punishment for murderers should be the same treatement what they gave their victims..
but then we ask what is the difference between us and the criminals..
i have listed a few.. feel free to add on
1. we did not murder anybody first
2. doing this will teach the others a lesson
3. wastefull expenditure of taxpayers money if we throw them in jail.. imagine what we can save the salary for the gaurds, salary for prisoners, food and maintenance..
we can put that all in giving better policing and health benifits..
so cruel...
¶¶¶ I have a pair of eyes but I can't see U everyday...
I have a pair of ears but I can't hear U everytime....
I have only one heart that remembers U
king007 you sound like you got your education in the backroom of a shanty town.. you are supporting someone who thinks that the killing of an innocent child is not bad enough, but to bring religion into are a freducalinated brainless fellow... (go figure)thats all i have to say to you better things to do.
[mod note: if you are unable to discuss matters without unnecessarily insulting people please do not bother to comment]
they dont even deserve to be called humans....
Sad such people exist.
thanks king, yes u are right, such people deserve death penalty, this would atleast give some sense of justice to the mother who lost her child. however, even the death penalty would not bring the mother her child back, its irreversible loss because of few pests as u rightly describe them.
why do such pests are allowed to live, death penalty is must for those animals.
yes nadt, i dread to think about that, being a mother myself... i cant imagine the pain it caused the mother losing her child like that... no amount of punishment would ever compensate for that...:(
omar bro, its sad to read yr comment, i feel its u who appear to be brainless with yr post attacking an individual for his views along with few others, i agree with smartbuddy but he chose a wrong topic to give his views.
but the topic is shocking, he is a retard human being who did that to an innocent child.
"ringo"...ur name calling has no effect on me atleast, so u can continue ur name calling crap, btw its not spelt as "numskull".....LOL!
The Numskulls is a comic strip in The Beano, a UK comic.
really a sad brainless fellow
you are a numskull smartbuddy
nevermind u won't understand the point and would not even try explaining more.
@andrews: I can answer your so called "references" but not here as it takes away the topic theme, enjoy ur illusion till then!
on topic: Its a horrid incident and the people involved in such heinous crimes should be stoned to death for acting so can behave like a mindless/emotionless animal and this news is a proof of that.
whats your point exactly dont strike me as a very smart buddy at all.....change your name....
OMG.. Can a normal being do this to an innocent kid????.. either they are psycho or under the influence of drug I guess. Cant imagine.
MODs .. Pls , I think its high time to stop pulling religion and race to threads where its not relevant.
Let Live,
& Help Live..
smartbuddy,..why bring religion into this????its such a sad story and all you can think of is religion??
the gangsters should suffer the same fate of the kid.. :/ this people don't have any soul already...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
they should be coated with honey and sprinkle them with sweets and should be thrown in a desert full of ants.
me too mj...i cant believe that someone can read about this horrid act and complain about religion. As a mother i feel terrible about what happened to this poor child, imagine if it was of our children, i dread to think about that..
agree with nadt,... for once, i would like to see a topic here not turned into a debate...
smartbuddy, why dont you start another thread about this particular issue. This thread is depressing enough, a 5 year old lost his innocent life to some sickos, let not make it more depressing, no religion was mentioned i dont see why you dont get that.
Hi smartbuddy..below links are for your referrence...
So according to u we have to take the word of criminals and killers to be the truth, they hide behind religion so their religion is always to be blamed, whatever they say we have to blindly take their word for it. Amazing theory to believe in the "justification" of the criminals and killers!
asked and answered... but it would seem we have someone trying to fit into realsomeones shoes, while he is away....
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
I think you are the one not getting the point... I never said that I believe in excuses for criminals... so dont put words in my mouth.... all I was refering to is that when people put GOD as the excuse for their crimes then their religion would be questioned...
And yes I would blame the driver unless it was a mechanical fault...
@smartbuddy, thanks for editing your post..
please, it's MJAMILLE28 not majamille28,.. sorry for correcting, but i just dont like it when somebody types it wrong, it is such a simple spelling.
was it case-sensitive?????
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
My only point is if religion is not mentioned with criminals of other religion, like here it should not be mentioned with criminals who are name sake muslims too.
Criminals, killers have NO RELIGION, period.
i think it gets dragged everytime he comes in alexa... but brit's topic, did not even mention religion, it only talks about cold-blooded murderers, i do not see the point of turning this into another religious debates....
"Alexa"....when people like u cannot reply they shed their frustration by name calling.
why does religion and racism have to be dragged into each and every thread.....even if there was no mention of it whatsoever in the original posting?gawd!
"AussieLatino" believe in the "excuses" given by GANGSTERS & CRIMINALS? Amazing!
So if a Land Cruiser crashes into another car why is the driver of Land Cruiser blamed, why not the Car? If you don't get my point, then you need to go back to school to learn basics of blamegame!
there was no mention of any religion anywhere in this news.... it is simply a crime committed by a some cold, heartless scums..
Offcourse there is nothing to be proud about their inhuman actions....
The perpetrators who commit such heinous crimes against humanity should be severely punished(without putting their religion on Trial for their actions) irrespective of which religion they belong to.
Gansters, criminals ...etc dont commit their crimes in the name of GOD... If any one commits a crime and his/her excuse is NOT in the name of GOD then his/her religion would not be mention or questioned... the problem is when the excuse is in the name of GOD. Simple ... no more to explain if you still dont get it ... then you better change your name...
they should stick acid needles in these scums too....
"Alexa" only non-muslims can be gangsters, criminals etc....muslims cannot be called gangsters, criminals etc without mentioning their religion right? if they would have shouted God is great then entire Christianity or whatever their religion they belong, was to be blamed?
Well said alexa
Well in this case religion is not mentioned, if it was for some Muslim involved there would have been fingers pointing towards the entire religion.
Such inhuman things happen everywhere and perpetrators of such inhuman acts should be severely punished, the difference is when non-muslims commit the crime, religion is never mentioned but anything done by Muslims and there we go...Islam goes for Trial.
so sick.
In the past these "gangs" focused on the rich, but now are picking on just about anybody.
Perhaps this is wheer the UN needs to be used to wipe out these morons..
So cruel..
the should inject Sulphuric acid up his azz and hcl up his brain through nose.
These Ba###### should not be brought to trial, but suffer the same fate as the poor little boy..
i hate it with EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART!! damn them!! this sickens me to my most inner core!! these kind of people should be eradicated!
The simple fact is that it is all too easy to make money this way and human life holds no value..
its so sad, why these things happens.. :(
that is so cruel! x-(