Man sues Lynx after failing to get girl

More than the petition I’m amazed by the name of the lawyer handling this case.
Ram Jethmalani is one of the most expensive and renowned lawyers in India..
An Indian man is suing the makers of Lynx deodorant after he failed to get a girlfriend despite using their products for seven years.
Vaibhav Bedi, 26, is demanding Unilever pay him $91,000 as compensation for the "depression and psychological damage" caused by a lack of any "Lynx effect", the Daily Record reports.
Scantily-clad women throwing themselves at men wearing Lynx has long been a key feature of advertisements for the deodorant, which is marketed as Axe in India.
"The company cheated me because in its advertisements, it says women will be attracted to you if you use Axe ... I used it for seven years but no girl came to me," Mr Bedi said in his court petition.
A court in New Delhi has accepted half-used body washes, shampoos, anti-perspirants and hair gels for forensic testing.
Unilever has refused to comment on the lawsuit.
Mr Bedi's lawyer Ram Jethmalani said it would be in Unilever's best interests to settle out of court.
"There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don't attract women," the Daily Record quoted him as saying.
"In fact, some of the best looking women have been known to marry and date absolutely ghoulish guys."
someday,i'd like to see the list of suing cases registered in the US....i'm sure i'll be in splits :-D
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
what a loser
Bulilit, bulilit...ang liit liit :P
Thats good ol US of A for you saggi. A person can sue his own mother for giving birth to him on the grounds that she sat there and watched the doctors slap him while he popped out to make him cry :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
chillax smoke....some ppl just get so frustrated when they don't get what they want that hey resort to desperate measures like this.didn't get the girl,okay sue the deo company and get some quick buck at least....LOL.....
just remembered this story i read some time ago about a woman in the US who sued Starbucks for a whopping amount (don't remember how much it was exactly).listen to the award-winning reason.she bought a cup of coffee from Starbucks and kept it on the dash of her car.when she started her car,it jerked forward and the cup fell over (but obviously!) onto her lap burning her thighs.she sued the company stating that it wasn't mentioned on the cup that 'Contents May Be Hot'.....LOL (save me somebody...else i might just die laughing!hahaha!)
P.s:she won the case,alright.and i just checked today morning on my cup of Starbucks does say 'CAUTION CONTENTS HOT' now :-D LOL
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
What the fish? I cant stand to wear axe i cant imagine the poor women! This guy needs to be sued for being such a dumb arse to believe that a few cans of deo is going to get him a freaking girlfriend.
I'm selling some IQ and a bottle of handsome. Ask him to spray that over his face might do him some good.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
'Bom-Chicka-Wa-Waw'.....hahahaha!that line makes me laugh...though i honestly have absolutely no idea what that phrase means or has to do with all those Axe ads :-P
i do like Axe....but haven't felt that it's got any such 'pulling power' as they show in those ads.naah!i know of so many perfumes for men that have better powers that way ;-) LOL
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
one came up to my mind right now...they are now in court and mr bedi's lawyer is talking and talking about the fake ads..but the judge which happened to be a female isn't listening to any of the lawyer's bullshit...put she's stunned by bedi's humble looks and ravishing after a few eye contacts , we see that the judge made bedi loose the cut : bedi is lying on a beach somewhere with the judge next to him wearing her bikini and playing with bedi' hair chest ending quote comes : manipulates the court judgement :D
I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge.
I have it on good authority that Vaibhav Bedi is actually Mr. Rizks of QL. That is why he is currently in India to talk to his lawyer.
The case apparently includes witnesses like Mr. pajju or Doha who will testify that Mr. Rizks used Lynx prior to a visit to the Qube. However, it did not result in any offers.
LoL .. . at least the money that he gets from the settlement will be a chic magnet :/ .
I am sure now ,he did attract a lot of attention I should fight the case from unilever axe works ,Mr. fox here gives new meaning for "earn while you spend "
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
high time the advertisers are brought to their knees for giving outrageous claims
Unlucky but Brilliant!
I think Mr. Bedi would have forgotten to take shower before using AXE. ohhhhhh my God! 7 years without shower! definitely even no man will go to you.
I read the same thing some days back here on QL!
"To the illumined man or woman, a clod of dirt, a stone, and gold are the same.” ------- Gita
All I can say is Lawlxxxxx...