Man marries 107 women, fathers 185 kids

London (IANS) - A Nigerian man now 87 years old has married 107 women, fathered 185 children and presently lives with 89 of his wives, the Daily Mail reported Friday.
Faith healer Bello Maasaba, 87, has an extended family of over 5,000 people, the report said.
He said he had a revelation from God in the 1970s, telling him to take a string of wives.
"If it wasn't from God, I wouldn't have gone beyond two (wives)," he was quoted as saying.
Maasaba was arrested in September 2008 for marrying more than four wives. He was released after his wives said they had married him willingly.
The youngest of his 89 wives is just 19. He divorced 12 wives for disobeying him.
Of his 185 children, only 133 are living. When anyone of them falls sick, he bars from getting hospital treatment and relies on his skills as a healer.
What are you talking about NoMerci. I'm totally an American housewife living in Qatar :P I have 8.2 children, a mini van and a dog.
Pilgram , the American housewife...gotta love it! Rofl
Best thing I have heard on QL in a long time. Rofl again
He should open a School for Husbands to teach them how to deal with many wives lol
rizks & britey i think both of you will fly both to'll look good there together and "Go Forth And Multiply" like what Bello Maasaba did..aren't you guys envy of him?lmao ;)
thats two days with each wife ,a year....:O
I was certainly laffing over Rizks and britz comments,
Infact we have a national one liner, NO WAHALA!, its like AKUNA MATATA in THE LION KING , it "means no worries"
We say it all the time, its a way of being happy!
P.S: Pilgram, its unfortunate i did mis-interpret your humour :D!
Can we smile and make friends now? .
I will assume that Nigerians have no sense of humour about themselves. :P
Ouch! You're not from Nigeria by any chance are you?
I will not assume that Nigeria is the best place on earth right now.
I will not assume that of its population of over 150 million people, there will not be close to 1 million criminals.
After all, in Jesus 12 Disciples, there was 1 judas.
I will not assume that there is a 100% crime free society (prove me wrong with stats.)
But i will assume, that just like there was 11 blessed disciples, there are also about 149 million hardworking honest Nigerians.
I will assume this post will make little sense to a majority of biased people reading it.
I will presume that those who squeeze out their own little culture can become experts on the "tribal customs" of a nation of over 150 million people with thousands of worthy cultural heritage just based on an unsourced post which was clearly frowned on by the local authorities and even sparked local criticisms.
I will presume that the streets of America are made of Gold and all the citizens are angels in clasped hands,gliding by each day, and probably thats why New-york is "crime free" and safer the Doha corniche?.
I will presume to understand that PILGRAM the American housewife only thinks that innocent angels called "children" like hers (if God is gracious enough to make such a woman a mother)have no better thing in life than only be scammers or wish anything in the likelihood on them.
BUT, ...I still wonder why most who post negative baseless generalized comments about others will be in Qatar, WORKING if your home country is the famed HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Readmore :
and an AMERICAN MAN WITH 80 WIVES AND 250 CHILDREN is not satisfied and still goes to RAPE with a 100,000 dollar reward on his head!
Read more:
And INDIA is not left out with 39 WIVES, 94 CHILDREN AND 33 GRAND CHILDREN.
Read more :
Does this mean the peoples of the above countries have no useful cultures?
Poverty is not a crime but an economical state!
I will presume today is one of those days when QL is bored to SHYTes and will only get lively will some nation bashing.
I will presume Nig.. is top on the menu list today.
Finally I will borrow from the authors one liner. "
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some RESPECTABLE people appear bright until you hear them speak!.
now officially this man should be called SEX MACHINE!! unless his neighboors were doing his jos instead of him heheh
shouldnt this be posted in the Nigerian group ;)
wat a power of sex
i lke it maxmo:):):):)
extremely high infant mortality rate - should be arrested for not taking care of his children properly
Exactly jibsawib, his 185 children and 107 wives are the Nigerans who run them. Gotta feed all those mouths somehow.
Uh, yeah, Miss. You are right.
Pilgram, i beg to disagree with you, the percentage of Nigerians involved in email scam is negligible when compared to generally hard working majority. I am definitely offended by ur comment.
with my business Card.....:(
Thanks buddy.. I owe you a Karak Chai.. By the way, how will you pay for my ticket - cah or credit card ?
LP, the author, as her profile says, is an accountant. She likes numbers so the thread, albeit really irrelevant.
britey, tell them tat i am busy this whole month with meeting schedules instead book for yourself....:)
The travel agent wants to know if you're sure that you want the booking for Niger!
Actually, what relevance do have Nigerian tribal customs for Qatar?? The thread should also be deleted for irrelevance!
LmaO Pilgram...hahaha
And he keeps them all fed through Nigerian email scams. :P
and by the way,he was at no Fault coz :-
"He was released after his wives said they had married him willingly "
Busy man.
107 wives!, That means if he sleeps everyday with one different wife, then after 3.5 month he will be able to sleep with the same woman again.
so in the year 3-4 times only s'x for each woman
The authorities have interviewed most of the wives and all say that they are happy with him.
Rizks: The secret is in the Kakahoohoo Root. Found only on the bnks of the river Niger and in the domain of the Oometingee pygmy tribe. If you can get hold of some, you will be set for life :o)
Well, good or bad, he is truly a HERO... I am finding it difficult to manage one wife and one kid, while he has 87 wifes & 133 kids...
That's nothing new. Ramses II, pharaoh of Egypt around 1.200 B.C., also had more than 150 children from numerous wives and concubines. He died aged over 90.
lol Rev.......
and ask what ?
How did u feel after marrying Mr. Masakali ohh i mean Masaaba ? :)
Was he a honest Husband ?
Did u take you to city center for shoppings ? :)
They should interview those poor wives !!
rizks, you better meet him to know his sexcret..errr... secret of his ;)
107 womens ? :(
Watdahill is the secret of his health ? :(