
By Missteacher •
I don't know if I am in a cynical mood but certain recent events and people have caused me to start doubting mankind and in particular the last part of the word...kind.
Since moving here I have came across so many people in person and online that are, to put it plainly, down right rude and nasty that scrutinise what you say or do. My friends and job seems to be the only thing keeping me sane over here!
More so in the last year that I have lived here and it is people in general from every culture and nationality even my own.
What is going on? Or perhaps I'm just homesick!
I'd go with the what majority are saying here, take a step back and remove yourself from what's bringing you down - I know it's a lot easier said than done. Yes, a couple of glasses of vino most definitely helps too :-) xXx
but how a ''sad'' person can be ''happy'' at the same time , please elaborate ?
I salute you for very fine, clear , fair & manly comments, Regards.
In other words ' Pride hath ''a'' fall''.
Missteacher: And the drama just never ends. ...
Awwwee, cheer up MT! Just think that our world is a big classroom.... where there's always a bully! lol
Kidding aside, if you socialize too much, maybe you are craving for a "me-myself-I time" ;) give yourself a break, maybe all you need is a quality time for yourself ;)
LOL... Morning UK :)
CL glad she has not met you yet else she would have left QL by now!..Good Morning Lost Captain..:)
MT.. Well, thats coz you haven't met me yet.. :P
Yes there is negativity everywhere but like I said above
Take deep breath's and Push that negativity out!..:)
Tink as there as been so many negativity on Ql lately and my year not starting to the best, now that I am getting myself together hence I am thinking of a coffee meet up before everyone disappears for the summer holidays!
Breath in Breath out..!
Thanks Tink and UKEng...sometimes it just takes someone who you don't even know to say something nice to brighten up your day. So cheers!
Have a great day everyone :)
tinkerbell now can you pass that JD& Coke..:)
Glad you feeling well this morning MT..
Good Morning pet hope you have nice and wonderful day!
Smoke I think you misunderstood....I don't just mean men. 'mankind' as in male and female. In fact the women are probably worse! Nor do I mean only on QL, most of the people I am refering to are people I come across over here in person not virtually.
Bilber ...LOL you have no idea how much I socialise, maybe a bit too much! Just because I use the internet does not mean I am a recluse who sits in all day on my laptop and a movie geek. Thats another thing people also assume too much and judge people when they have no clue about their life.
Anyway thanks for the comments....was a tad cynical last night!
Yes Blistering I can see that you are refreshed and reborn and looking good on Ql again..:)
QL can get to you... just like a TV Serial... more than that actually as people are loged on for almost 5 to 6 hrs on the go (during their office hrs ofcourse).
You hate some people, you laugh at some, some you have a crush on, some you fall in love with... its all usual "online syndrome"...
Get some detox (log off for something else... and then comeback).... does you a world of good... seriously...
Dont worry..its just the the water and climate which makes people behave this way...Lol
Actually u shud consider the situ of the all may be blessed and have and easy life...that doesnt give them the right to mishave or mistreat but then its human nature..everyone has issues and once in a while may have an off day...
That's why we love QL, the Love the Hate the dramas all on one channel..
Anyway just a word of advice, just hang on in there and do not take QL too serious.
try to go out and's not a hard thing to are watching too much TV.
IF you are talking just about QL then i dont think its only the men that are being cruel and rude. Women here are pretty much the same behaving like their are still in high school where any guy who talks to them is trying to "flirt" or have a relationship with them. Also when certain people dont find others agreeing with their own views does not mean they are rude.
You've never met kind men thats your own personal opinion, I've met a LOT of kind men and women right here in Qatar.
Tell you something, most of us tend to behave weird after sometime being here...dont know why but that is how it is. And guess no one would accept that, I didnt until my friends and family back home told me so. So sometimes it is not the other person but we ourselves who arent behaving normal or are overreacting to an otherwise normal situation. Taking break more frequently certainly helps...since I started visiting the departure lounge atleast once every two months I am considered normal now at home....:) So yeah hopefully once you take that vacation you should be ok for a while.
LOL...very interesting comments! Some of which I could have predicted and a lot prove my very point in the forum.
Truth is some of the characters I have come across over here in person and online, I have never experienced anywhere else. Living over here is sometimes like living in a fishbowl of dramas...which I try to stay well clear of. Even people I know have said the same thing over here, that they have experience things previously alien to them.
@Bachus...yeah you are right, if someone is nasty to me I tend to take the bait and try to prove my side of the story and defend myself instead of just ignoring it. However, I would say I do not instigate trouble just to start an argument.
Anyway not long until I can refresh myself with the wonderful people I know and love back home & the rest of Europe.
The mirror mirror comment, I would consider if I had come across these people or instances all my life, truth is I have never. I have never however lived with so many different cultures or been a member of a site like our beloved QL.
@moz ....I like the sound of the wine part and may take ur advice ;) but who said I haven't a boyfriend LOL
Maybe you should go out more often and not waste your time hanging around in front of your computer. For your sanity's sake.
And where have you been lately? Haven't you been watching the news or reading the newspaper? Man is born/made to be cruel, everyone of us. It's just so happened that majority chose to unleash it to their fellow people.
Its quiet & calm.
Well, if QL was life we would have all committed suicide by now. Get a glass of wine look at the sunset and forget why you don't hav a boyfriend......
If QL is anything to go by, I think Miss Teacher gives as much nastiness as she gets.
Part of the nature of arguing is people picking apart what you say; if you don't like it, don't argue.
In real life . . . I agree with Fathima. We all have good and bad days. It's when over a longer period the bad days outnumber the good, that we should think about making some changes.
'Mankind' is one word.
'Man' & 'Kind' separately will have different meanings obviously.
Well, as was said before, there are times where we all feel that way. There are many reasons for that, but I think Brit and Fathimah have pointed out most reasons.
Sometimes it helps to take a little break, go back home...more often that not that helps us to see how irrelevant those incidents really are.
who doesn't feel a victim every now and then...
I understand your situation, I truly do. What I do in such circumstances, when faced with particularly nasty individuals who seem to be making it clear that they want to be as hurtful as possible, is I first try to see if I warrant their mistreatment. Had I unknowingly even caused them any harm and/or vexed them in any way. If I can't for the life of me recall anything, then I try to remember all those times I may have, meaningfully or unmeaningfully offended others. How it felt to be the perpetrator. Once I go down that road my feelings of self sympathy often subside.I then ask of God to forgive and guide us all and to give me what it takes to be a better person.
After that I will make it my business to be extra courteous to the offenders. And everything feels back to normalcy again..for the most part!
It always helps to remember that the world, and even our own being, is made up of all sorts of characters. Good, bad, evil, one of us are infallible. We all have our positives and negatives. Just gotta live with em!
MT: It all boils down to one thing
(the law of attraction)
a Wise man once said.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
time to see a psychiatrist then....
Perhaps you should ask yourself why you believe you are a magnet for such things. Is there anything in your own behavior that is contributing to the negativity?
If you need new friends, just advertise your car or a party again! ;-)
The simple fact is that as an expat, you will come into contact with a myriad of folk and all types of folk whom you normally would not meet in your home country. This can be both an eye opener and also worrysome.
Look at it as a learning experience which broadens your experiences.
Mirror never lies !!!
excellent 1st comment ...thanks B.E.
You're homesick and paranoid :O)