Male and female models needed!!!

Dear All,
Hair color training is taking place on January 19th for our salon. The instructor is canadian and is here for one day only. Spaces are limited- 12 available. Male or female but hair must be shoulder length and in good condition. You may remember the last traiing in October where 72 models took part. It was a huge success and took place in our new training centre with a Parisian instructor!!!
Please contact me on the below e- mail:
Good Luck!!!!!!!
going for modeling come along with Pajju ;)
Sonam...You look great..With a little improvement ofcourse... ;p
Minimum required hair ;)
you mean your hair is already falling?
Danaf i'll tell my friends about this...
maybe, they're intereted.
thanks for the info
bright green hair.....for free!!
good opportunity to color hair for free...
i was thinking maybe i could join...
but with the kind of water we have here...
plus colored hair...
i think the more my hair will fall...
KH buddy long time no hear..
DanF what is the difference between hair loss treatment and transplant.. please educate.. you might have propective customers
i have skin head hair style. maybe you can still do something with it like Dennis Rodman :D
who qualify according to the selection criteria:
1. myself
2. Drac
3. vukpop
4. Flanostu
5. UKeng
good luck:D
im afraid we dont. however, we do have hair loss treatments
how about a furry man :D
DanaF .. do you do hair transplants?
you can always shave few hairs from some heads here :-)
tell you later
i assure we will have no problems as the instructor is present at all time to supervise. the stylists are qualified....wea're just refreshing!!!!
about the guys shoulder length.....i dont mean that exactly, just enough hair to do something with...maybe some stylish highlights......
ttabet82 you still are a model here also..but dont know if your still free?
I am fit for it then
i have very long hair same like Himesh Reshammiya's
Ok Brit and GT I must confess I have not done them yet.. Just had the consultation.. But afer Brits and Dracs pictures.. I think that the QR20k for the treatment could be spent on some thing better..
Thanks for saving me the disappointment Brit..
back in France, I was a model too, for free!
I had a very stylish Haircut....:P
Left side was longer than right side....crazy look :P
Male with shoulder length hair? whoa!
I think it is sheep
if you're interested please send your name and contact number to the e-mail on the first post. Melissa will contact you a.s.a.p.
its a professional traiing and you will have a short consultation so you are able to input a little. fro a stylist point of view blonde is such a difficult color to maintian healthily and so it would be a shame to discolor it!!!
They will color it according to your skin tone and facial features, like any professional stylist would
Thats exaclt UKeng...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
oh no! i hope UkEng's implant is not like this :(
loool brite......
Watz tat springy hairs....:)
Still a few months to go buddy!
minoxidle 6% ??
But i see only 5% available in the market, were the hell u got 6% from ?:(
ah you should agree i have seen those bike riders in states on a documentary show on discovery there were some fat tall men with coloured thin long bread.
Wonder where is knoxcollege didnt see the mulla online for quite some time.
GT.. not water it is monoxidle 6% that I have to use...
The clinic also does lots of wonders for the ladies.. I thought it was not allowed here until I saw the services being offered... lol
Hey GT, nice signature... hehehe its just to sparkly...
was it successful then? do you have it sprinkle it with water daily so it will grow longer? ;)
a person with 1 foot long beard? will that work?
.sorry, im fully booked, according to my p.a.
GT for your information.. spent a fortune on this Hair transplant.. The scares at the back have just healed up and the roots on the top are fully settled..
Hairs grows alot in two months.. So dont remember what you saw.. think what you might
has just been crashed: "yes guys should have shoulder length..."
and let me add: SHOULD HAVE HAIR? =))
I am available all next week. Will you retain my current blonde streaks or will they be highlighted out ? I am thinking of going auburn with a tinge of rust, is that possible??
yes guys should have shoulder length. I mean it's highlights and basic colors, they can do something funky!!!
Some of the lebanese have longish hair....not shoulder length but atleast able to be styled!!!
ME ME.....
Plz Plz take me i have hairs till shoulder length, but only back - from top m BALD ....:(
GT do you think I would qualify?
this is pretty interesting... hmmmmm