Make the Homeless Smile

today I watched a Video from YouTube channel by TrueStoryASA.
No matter if you shoot and spread these type Videos. this might inspire others to do good.
read more (with a small incident) -> http://blog.niyazsky.com/?p=720
Thanks for sharing this video. Inspiring true story like this reflects our social situation today. Homeless people are all throughout the country, chilling at night in the middle of nowhere, no food or water. Numbers of cities struggle dealing with this homeless people, this is all because of the rapid growth in population. It sounds frightening, but a number of cities are starting to use a new tactic to deal with homeless populations, namely relocation. Read it here: http://personalmoneynetwork.com/moneyblog/2013/01/15/relocating-homeless/
Nice work
thank you :) . May God bless you too :)
Thanks Niyaz.May the Almighty Bless u and guide u in all your future endeavours.:)
thanks alot everyone. this topic is general not specific to qatar guys & not meant to change someone's whole life :-) .
Yes @silvermist6 , I like see a world, there people help each other . why I writing these topics becaz I felt , most people are acting with other and helping mentality is reducing.
this Line is outstanding "simple act of kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone to live" (copying to post :-) ) |
thanks for sharing its really nice...
Shukran Jazeelah
Haniqa , May Allah bless you & everybody ...... Joys ..... !!!
Sat , 12.04.2014 , 08.38 hrs ......................................................................................................
mmmm...that is the only reason why I came to qatar......Insha Allah I will be build a home So, dear all pls pray for me....thanks
Appreciate your benevolence Niyaz.TFS.Though there aren't many like u around.As Venus said me too can't walk away from the poor without heeding them.Yes even i do make sure that I help them in a way i can.
It's easy to walk by because we know we can't change someone's whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that a simple act of kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone to live.
I believe that kindness is always rewarded sooner or later.
Keep up the good work Niyaz , Venus and all others aound.
Stay Blessed always guys.Have a nice day.
Good work, Niyaz .............
Sat , 12.04.2014 , 08.21 hrs ......................................................................................................
Expose those also who brought them to that stage ..... { White collar fast life folks / bankers / politicians / fashion - model - music groups / alcohol makers / etc } ......
Sat , 12.04.2014 , 08.20 hrs ......................................................................................................
this for all.