Maintenance of Car

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Is there any workshop(good/reasonalbe price) where i can paint and do maintenance of my Mercedez Car otherthan dealer.
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but they sell spare parts cheaper coz its not made in Germany.
anyway, alot of service shops at Indus area.
Bosh Service Center is the name of Mercedes Service
so its same place " DEALER" :)
[img_assist|nid=26324|title=Friends for ever ....|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=327]
Try "Bosh Service Center", its in the same location w/ Mercedes service at Industrial area.
Dealer is the best choice pay more but get best results
[img_assist|nid=26324|title=Friends for ever ....|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=327]