for mac users

i am using a USB apple keyboard on my imac, recently, four keys ( y,u,i,o) stopped responding. its definately not a hardware issue, nothing spilled on it . i updated all the softwares and am using latest OS X 10.8.4.i changed USB ports and re-started but still same problem. i didnt do anything on system prefernces. i tried using apple wiresless keyboard and it worked well.
how can i fix this issue? has anybody ever encountered the same problem?
The problem is the keyboard, there maybe some bits of particles that prevents the key to accept the command.
There is this computer spray (air spray) that you can buy at Jarir Bookstore that you can use to pump out dust in your keyboard.
Good Luck
I usually used my FB to videochat . Other party can see me but I couldnt see them. The screen always flickers!!