Love Her.......when she sips your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you.
Love Her......when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you!
Love Her......when she has annoying little habits that drive you nuts. You have them too!
Love Her......when her cooking is bad. She tries.
Love Her......when she looks scary in the morning. She always fixes herself up again.
Love Her......when she makes you watch corny love dramas while the sport is on. She wants to share these moments with you.
Love Her......when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts. So tell her she's beautiful!
Love Her......when she looks beautiful. She's yours. So appreciate her.
Love Her......when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you.
Love Her......when she buys you gifts you don't like. Smile and tell her its what you always wanted.
Love Her......when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don't ask, tell her its going to be okay!
Love Her......when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and rent any movie with Nicholas Cage (trust me, it works!!)
Love Her......when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass.
Love Her......when she stains your clothes. You needed a new shirt anyway!!
Love Her......when she argues. She only wants to make things right!
All these things form part of a woman's character! This women is part of your life and should be treated as the Queen she is!! Take time to make her feel special in every way!!!
You can't teach experience...
"Love Her......when she makes you watch corny love dramas while the sport is on. She wants to share these moments with you."
No she doesnt...she wants me too shut up and not disturb her.
"Love Her......when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and rent any movie with Nicholas Cage (trust me, it works!!)"
Nobody should ever watch anything with Nicholas Cage in....ever!! The mans so wooden if he had to do a scene in a forest all you would see was a talking tree.
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
i loved the thread so much but there is only one comment that made me fell of my chair laughing cuz i was thinking about ..
"Pothole Research said What's Nicholas Cage gotta ...
What's Nicholas Cage gotta do with PMS ????"
I really wanna know What's Nicholas Cage gotta do with PMS???
is there any reason ladies ..
My Music:
My Photographing:
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
Love, like a river, will cut a new path
whenever it meets an obstacle.
- Crystal Middlemas -
No man is above the law and no man below it.
There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.
- George Sand -
what if u developed a solar plane......
I think it should be said by others..not u !
Well done SmK1361, you stopped him from what he was enjoying but others hated, :) Congratulations Hhahahahhaha:P
No man is above the law and no man below it.
Honourable Sir, Ok sir...dont worry I will contact Qatari, divide my points wid you and then u can redeem those points for a two night stay in Mogadishu- Sudan.
Dear Muhammed12, What's wrong why are you doing all this, are you trying to get more poingts? Imagine you got million points , what will happen? huh? So please be quite and give room to the others also:)
Thanks Brother
whats wrong with you pal. Dude = Pal = buddy whats wrong being called so???
Love her from the bottom of my heart, because she deserves to be loved, she is an angle,,,I'm not talking just for mine, I'm talking for all, all ofthem are angle:) They most be loved,,,
If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.
"Sir James M. Barrie"
So be in love specially with her!
put me in my place - no sweat, thanks. I should've checked yr profile first. :)
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
my hand has been slapped... :)
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
doubt if i'd have enough moola for a sex change op for you, dude! But jus let us all know once you're a man...
Pothole - LOL - rather stick to your p/h research..
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
LOL muhammed 12.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
What's Nicholas Cage gotta do with PMS ????
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
... so when's the operation happening? :)
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
to learn from your mistakes...we are all "works in progress"
Great sentiments starseed. I only wish I could of remebered them when I was with my ex, It would of made for a better time