Love Birds, but dont know
By paradisevirus •
I love birds and always wanted to own few.
But always the idea of keeping them into cage whereas they are meant to fly in open sky gave me a feeling of injustice to them.
As many people have birds in their home, and i am sure they are good people and not unhuman, but they must be having good reason, i am looking for that good reason.
Whats ur opinion, QLers....
Thanks in Advance.
yes i think wht ur saying is correct we must leave them to fly ................i beliebve that .................n i donno abt other wht they believe......................
I had a pair before and one of them (the male) was so friendly with us. We used to keep them open in the flat and he used to sit on my shoulders. Very lovely one and we gave them to a family friend when my family went back to India. I think it died two months later.
Dont go for Love birds. I had two upto last month when they died all of a sudden. On investigation, i found they get heartache too easily and die.