Looking to Donate Computers- Any help?
Greetings Everyone!
Well, I was thinking about setting up a Charity for Donated Computers/monitors/cables to schools and hospitals in Asia
I don't know how to set this up exactly. My coworkers Wife had asked me to donate a PC from my company and I am more than glad to do so since we have tons of crap lying around.
If anyone has any experience doing this, or would like to get involved, Please let me know!
This is genuine btw, and any involvement has to be out of pure voluntary will!
Any and all Feedback appreciated! :)
you can reach me at 5716268
Mohammed El-Khatib
there are tons of Freeware Programs that perform Clean Sweeps of Windows. I dont intend to send computers as they are. I will have them refurbished, complete with either a fresh copy of XP or a clean sweep of the Windows OS.
Thanks for the support! My phone has been off the hook! haha
Not to place your computers in the wrong hands. They scan through your computer to extract your personal information or some other important and use them in all sorts of scams including siphoning bank account/credit card details etc.This has happened in one particular Afican country.
Do you people interested in donating to a remote schools in an Asian country where they can not even afford a second hand computer.
Momo, what about we spend the next two weeks to get more people involved? All via your email address and mobile phone... Then we'll see what to do step by step?
( Only serious people who are welling to give a hand)
And yes I got your email thank you. I'll reply later inshallah.
BTW, what on earthhhhh! LOL Let's stick to one post, man! qatari where are youuuuu? Can you make the two threads one? PLEASE
i can help in assembling pc since i am a hardware tech.and those pc that u might had is a crap according to ur post hah..but we can revive those gadgets...let me know [email protected]
If I can be of any help....please!
[email protected]
let's organize a group.
LOl Aisha!
Study hard!!
And Donate hard!
Well, I do hope I get a response from ROTA, they could help us alot!
Take care and Talk to you soon!
Tarashtilik il Email il 7een, aasef 3al ta'kheer! :(
Good luckkkk!
Great idea walla
You wanna know how special your idea is? I’ve just had an exam ( Yes on SATURDAY!) and have just written a seven-page report for the news paper about an activity at school, I have to work on a presentation for TOMORROW, and there is a homework that I didn’t do yet…. AND YET I wanna do THIS!
yalla let's get it started, bro!