Looking for a best friend?
By desert_queen •
Why don`t you come down to pay a visit at QAWS and maybe your best new friend is waiting for you over there....
We have over 25 dogs/ puppies and cats/kittens that are waiting to be your new best friend....
Or visit our website at www.qatarpets.org
DQ ;)
@ Vegas.... You are right , its hard now during the summer and we do as much as we can to keep them comfortable,but it`s never the same as having their own bed and home where there is someone to give them what the really need....Some love and attention ;)
@ Harsha, if you are considering to take on a dog...there are facilities that board your dog / cat while you are out of town ;) so maybe that would help you out....
@ TweetyBird, Yes you are right THEY ARE really nice dogs and puppies who are desperate to find their own home and they would make a great addition to a family....
So if you know anyone who is looking for a great friend, please send them to us to have a look at the dogs we have at the moment.....
All the dogs have been vaccinated and if they have reach the adulthood, we do "fix" them , so we don`t end up with more dogs in Doha .....and at the end at the shelter.....;)
Only Love & Respect of Others Make us Human
There are some real cuties our there. Puppies who are full of fun, adult dogs who want nothing more than to find a home with someone who will love them as well as some truly beautiful cats and kittens. Any one of them would make a great addition to a family.
If any of you haven't been out there, I encourage you to check it out.
love to have one... but i wonder what i will do when i am out of town.. thats the reason i dont wanna take one now..
a real good idea by vegas, am sure it wud help alot.
You know those things that blow cool air with water?
I forgot what they are called...
I don't see how yhey survive in this heat...
You can't teach experience
Got 5 &1 already ;)
Only Love & Respect of Others Make us Human
hope u find some