Living in Qatar

Resolution Productions latest short documentary shows life in Qatar through the eyes of the families of three senior medical personnel.
Living in Qatar from Resolution, Doha on Vimeo.
Resolution Productions latest short documentary shows life in Qatar through the eyes of the families of three senior medical personnel.
Living in Qatar from Resolution, Doha on Vimeo.
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funny how everyone gets so patriotic in here.
From your comment, only Americans can make these kinds of videos? I'm guessing there are "documentaries" just like these produced by British, French, German, etc... distributors as well.
You call it "stupid and too American." As an American, I find your comment insulting.
That answers your question.
Now, let's get back to the original post.
Minoush, It is weird, it says on your profile you are from the United States.
People who lived in US will know the relation between this commercial and the every day commercials about social services, insurance companies, investment plans.. etc
basically anything to fish that sheep listener and soften his/her heart. Same as the idea of putting specific type of music in shopping centers to allow people spend more...
Also, Where the heck did I bash the US? Does hating the American way of marketing means I hate the US? Like seriously, do people have some sort of a brain related disease in here?
Wow, how did a video about living in Qatar become a topic to bash the U.S.?
Just blame Bush for something and we will be all set.
Qatar looks so beautiful here
this is stupid and too American.
This is your Family's way of living in Qatar not "Living in Qatar!"
I would have liked to see people living in industrial area too.. they too happen to live in Qatar!
I hate the way Americans market things. Even the voices are selected based on the tone that makes people feel safe and calm.
This is truly awesome in so many ways.
Are these guys serious? I work for the same organization, with a job title and rank higher than these people portrayed in the video, but even I dont think its all true.
Just a waste of time, they could've just put the actors on a bed of roses with the few buildings they've on westbay as the backdrop. Atleast that would've made the message much more clearer.
(P.S. If the cinematographers dont have any idea what a bed of roses should look like, I would recommend them to watch "American beauty", it has a very tasty scene about the bed of roses :-P)
Amazing video! Thanks for sharing it!
Looks like a priveleged life of just a few. Someone watching the video in Europe or the states might get the impression that in Qatar everybody lives like that
20-30 minutes to get anywhere in Doha..only on Friday mornings. It took me 20 minutes to get through the Fourusiya intersection this morning.
Not one image of any laborers, not one road that wasn't in West Bay, not one r/a.
She didn't mention the reason why the weather in Doha was tolerable in August was because she (and every other expat) are back in their home countries!
Really appreciate you share your video.But I just wonder life of a person in industrial area.It's a reverse.
very nice and informative video,thanks for sharing!!!