Live in Peace
By sinceresindbad •
Hi everybody Can we work together to live in peace .. What do we need to live in peace.. Love each other so why not...Help each other so why not.. Why ,we are still fighting everyday in our house ,our work , in the traffic signal , in the streets ..also with ourselves.. I'm giving my hand to everybody disregard the nationality , religion , language , colour , to start from this small semi island to live in peace... let's share & talk ..let's say our opinion how to change the crisis & the troubles in our world.. How to change the image of the war to peace picture
I'm coming from the lost Paradise
There's no fun if you live in peace? that would be equivalent to rest in peace as sl says! :-0
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Share it guys we have only 5days more to be all together in corniche friday at 1830..
Don't worry we'll have Palenty of water & we can help each other
I'm coming from the lost Paradise
live in peace ! than marathon ,how ? anyway i am coming from salwa.
Rest in Peace
I hope they have plenty of ambulances and water.
Everybody share us Corniche marathon "Live in Peace " Friday at 1830
I'm coming from the lost Paradise
Got weed :P i need some :P
I recommend that everybody should use lots of drugs and alcohol. Especially marijuana, nobody argues when they are stoned.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I'm coming from the lost Paradise