Little words

Little words have so much meaning
When you mean the words you say
Little words like glad to see you
How are you, hello good day
Little words that make you welcome
Little words that say goodbye
Little words that help you laughing
Little words that make you cry
There are words for all occasions
Words for all you say and do
But the grestest words of all Are
I love you
Little words have so much meaning
When you mean the words you say
Little words like glad to see you
How are you, hello good day
Little words like happy birthday
Happy anniversary
Little words like how I miss you
Words like hurry back to me
Little words like god be with you
In all you say and do
But I know I'll never find the words for you
Little werds have so much meaning
When you mean the words you say
Little words like it's a pleasure
To be here with you today
Little words called silly querells
And the sunshine turns to rain
But the words like sorry darling
Help you to give up again
virgin at mercato/Dubai
I though nobody, in this part of the world, will guess!!!!
Where did you get the CD??? I've already checked Virgin but they don't have it
it's Dalida, if you hear the song you'll like it!!!!
I couldn't find it on the net but I have the original CD
oh, that's so sweet, i think it's romantic..even the rhyme parts were exquisite!!
FDM where d u find these magical words? hope it's not from ur garden!