A Letter of Apology from a Filipino Teenager

The effects of Hostage Drama in the Philippines
I would like to share this patriotic letter from a young man Reigno Jose Dilao. He is a teenager, a student, and a Filipino who has a big heart for his country.
August 23, 2010
"A letter from a teenage Filipino to the WHOLE WORLD”
As you are reading this letter, I bet that you have seen/heard about what happened earlier in our country.
Tourists were hostages of a policeman here, Rolando Mendoza. After a few hours of the horrible crime, some of the victims were dead including the hostage-taker.
I wrote this letter not just to apologize but also to let everyone know that we Filipinos are not all like Mendoza. We are loving and good-hearted people.
For so many years, our country has been standing tall and surpassing every dilemma; be it small or big. Years ago (back when I wasn’t born yet), you have watched us fight for what we think is right. We fought for the democracy of our nation.. The EDSA revolution. But that’s just one out of many.
Second. We Filipinos have been serving other countries for our families and we treat you as our own as well. With all due respect, I thank you all for giving us the trust through the years. For helping us to become what we are now.
The Philippines is more than just a group of islands. We are a nation of strong and remarkable people. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued. I humbly apologize for what happened tonight. No one in this world would want something like that to happen for life should be valued.
I politely ask the attention of the world. Please do not judge and mistreat us just because of what happened tonight. I have been searching the net and found terrible things. Hong Kong advices to avoid travels here, China and HK bans Filipinos and that Philippines is the worst place to go.
I can’t blame you for what you have decided but I hope that you could understand. Our country is now in a sea of problems. And I know for sure that we helped you in a way or another. Let peace and understanding reign this time.
I know that this letter will just be trash but I wish that you would understand. On behalf of the Philippine population.. WE ARE SORRY.
As a song puts it…
And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, giving-up and suffering. And we all stand together this one time then no one will get left behind. Stand up for life. STAND UP FOR LOVE
Sincerely yours,
Reigno Jose Dilao
Catbalogan City, Samar
(End of Letter)
To Reigno, you are a young hero of the Philippines. I commend you for writing this letter of trying to uplift the morale of the Philippines, after this tragic incident. Kudos to you. You are indeed an idol to many young Filipinos like you, and should also be an inspiration to many Filipinos.
Source of Letter:
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the letter as posted are just the same message sent officially by the foreign department and almost all posting by Filipinos here in QL itself. But for the victims family, one could just imagine that loss they had and it is really unimaginable at first to even think that it's an isolated case but soon, they will realize the truth. Right now, emotions are still high and let us just keep our restraints and every Filipinos should just stand by the official pronouncement of apology by the Philippine government.
Hope the tourism industry will find the fastest way to recover from this very bad isolated incident.
I'm teary-eyed... Hats off to the TEEN! :p
Mabuhay Philippines! :)
nice read... intelligent boy
Wonderful letter...
My most sincere complimants and Kudos to the writter.
I hope, the Filipinos will united together and work in unisom to protect the interest of the tourist industry.
The tourist in the Phillipines should be treated as sacred cows, since they are bringing the cash, and not some slaughter house cows.
well, its just another tragedy in history...
its no different from bombing and terrorism..
what a fantastic way to represent ones thought for the country... bad people existing in every part of the world... there are severe crimes than the one in news earlier... :(
wish we all agree to the courageous gentleman, no more offense :)
i'm going to palawan next month when i go for my annual leave ^_^ el nido specifically. but i don't like boracay. too commercial for me.
i wish i still had the hopefulness (?) of this boy though. i must really be getting older.
Im jealous of you now ;-(
I'm waiting on some volunteers to take me there and show me around :-P
I'm not asking to free-load, I just like it when a local shows me around, coz that way I can go to the best places and have a real good time.
So where are my volunteers???
Colt...just spent 4 days in Boracay last week, the place is still lovely even during rainy season...hope you have a good time.
Sonia....So what have you done to mitigate the issue???....for you to belittle a young man's action on behalf of his race...
i admire that boy for such a young age yet fully aware of whats happening around him and open minded enough, it's true lets not generalize all filipino for the mistake of one,let's prove to the world that we are true peace loving and hospitable nation and this is just an isolated incident, that does not happen all the time.
Due to the actions of one messed up individual no one can fault an entire nation. Fact is crimes of this nature are commited the world over..psychos commiting mass murders for various reasons.Sad as this terrible ordeal turned, Filipinos should be thankful that tragedies like this are not as common as it is in many countries,Alhamdullilah.
Even this guy wrote a million apology letters to all people around, The country is so sick and this incident will affect more people. I am ashamed of this ex-policeman did to the tourist and BLAME THE JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!
Down with the sick government, REVOLT!!!
One such incident never defines a country and its people..It would be good to forget the gruesome deadly past..
Nice message..how i wish this young filipino boy mentality will be like the politicians in that country.
as a teenager he sees things in a mature perspective and i really applaud you for your courage. thanks to colt45 for appreciating our country, Philippines. with all these bad things happening i hope other nations can see the good things my country has to offer. just like in any other countries, there are good and bad individuals. i am a pinoy and i am proud to be one. let's all pray for PEACE!
you are wonderful ppl in this world but not your food Ok
if you debate with me about your delicacies then I will start food war :D
Colt45 .. i'll be visiting Palawan (again!) in december. :D
He is such a humble boy.. and he thought of writing this letter right after the incident --- which some people didnt think of and instead blame everyone for everything :)
there will be volunteers. ;D
Who's volunteering to take me to Palawan and Boracay? :-P
one boy, representing one nation. ;-)
Very well said and I'm proud to be one. :) Cheers!
it goes down to the heart of every Filipino that reads it.
any of them having a bad influence or even bad manners. That incident could have happened anywhere in the world, and it wont change the way we think about that nation.
I would like to commend this young boy for his courage and guts to tell the world his feelings.
This is a very good letter and you can feel the sincerity of the message.
True enough, don't judge the Philippines, don't look down on Filipinos as it is an isolated case and does not happen every 24hours. There are many positive and good things about Filipinos and the Philippines.
I don't think one incident like that will stop me from going to the Philippines. I love it over there, the people, the food, the hospitality, L.A. Cafe ;-)
I'm tearing up....
It's history.. Life goes on..