Let's make the world a more positive place

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Good morning, QL friends...
So what's on your mind today?
I'm thinking how sacred life is and how short and easy it's to waste it and what to do from this point forward. I'm also thinking I'd rather fight a shark with a toothpick than to talk my mom out of the that annoying habit of feeling the spontaneous need to check out on me every 5 minutes!! !...but no darkness today :)
About how sometimes someone special comes along when you really need them...
Thank you, Great Spirit...makes it a good day!
Fatimah for explaining more in detail.......so we shall wait till post analysis and its results.
these are rules and guidelines I always strive to live by,share with others, and teach my daughter. Who knows, if not me, someday maybe she'll be help change the world for better on a larger scale! Yes I am optimistic and ambitious =D
Acceptance...and sometimes it's the hardest thing to do.
Beautiful and very useful words Fathimah.
We should remind ourselves of them every morning and every night...maybe then we can make living by them a habit :)
More often than not, I think we somehow will know, sooner or later, whether we were at fault or not. Specially if we abandon our temper, egos and victim attitudes and instead ponder long and hard as to what exactly happened and what we may have done wrong.
is not more than 10-15 years.....as far as one could contribute to the society; nobody likes to carry the unwanted baggages.
From positives, close your eyes, ears and mouth from bad and see, hear and talk only good things which makes this world a beautiful place to live.
The issue is first of all, one should accept who is at fault and who to say 'Sorry' :)
>Always enjoin good and speak out against oppression and injustices whenever and wherever possible, but make sure you always do so in the best of manners so you will always reach a far accepting audience.
>Do not slander and backbite..anyone! You have a grievance against someone?then take your remonstration to only those who can truly help you and avoid moaning to all and sundry.
>Do unto others..no explanation needed here I'm sure. Just want for others what you want for yourself.
>Don't be jealous of another's good fortune. If someone has something you'd like don't spend time hating them and wishing they'd lose it, rather work on getting the same or better for yourself.
>Don't be arrogant. Never hesitate to say your sorry when at fault.
>Tell the people you love what they mean to you whenever pos..who knows that may very well be the last time you would.
>Give out true and heartfelt compliments, offer constructive criticism and avoid sarcasm and insults. The latter two will only cause rancor and ill feelings in others.
>And finally to quote Muhammed(Peace be upon Him) and his companions: "'Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler." and "If you survive till the evening, do not expect to be alive in the morning, and if you survive till the morning, do not expect to be alive in the evening, and take from your health for your sickness, and (take) from your life for your death."
damselindistress, And it is healthy to live life like what your doing. Less drama is even better!!!lol!!..Life is drama enought and let's not make it more complicated.
so i'm with you all the way, YALLAH!!!SEIZE THE DAY!!
It feels GOOD.
Minding my own business and not meddling with other peole's business is my way of making this world a better place! I thank you! LOL
Well, it's always a good thought of living life to the fullest, as much as possible i am trying to live with that. Doing (even simple) things with what my heart desires, makes my life more enjoyable, worthy and fun. Less drama in life, being spontaneous and just go with the flow.
With how fast time is ticking with our everyday task, (well, whether you want to put it literally or not!)life is indeed getting shorter. :( so, yallah! seize the day! :))
jArsOfclAy78: Beautiful post (: very thoughtful too.
I’m also of the same opinion that Life is too short in a sense that doing what is proper and right is the main factor. Live your life to the fullest to what is proper and what is right in God's eyes and to your mankind is not easy to fulfill because a lot of temptations and challenges that awaits along our way of journey.
Nobody want's to live that long bilber, it's tiring and pathetic to think. But let me ask you guy's, how many of you can tell that he is ready and not afraid to die any time of his life? would it be acceptable any time?
It is not literaly short as far as i understand it(My opinion). It's just nobody knows how long your life will be on earth so you have to make the most of it to make it worthy of. Coz for me, i'm don't intend on wasting it, i make sure to do things valuable to make each day count.
are you happy to have a life of say a hundred and fifty years? no one giving attention to you, you live in a home for the aged with a visitor every now and then...you're too old to work, your family is bored with your antics, no one is listening to your advises because you're out of trend..you can't renew your driving license, you are taking a cocktail of medicine, you can't eat the food that you want, nobody want to have sex with you anymore..you can't go anywhere without chaperon..lots of things. Then tell me if you still want to live a long life full of misery!!!..
How do you say that life is short ?
In what context do you assume that there is less time & you have a lot to do / see ... ?
We have 24 hrs daily.