lets help
Last night I was walking on marina behind 4 season hotel in west bey and I mett on guy. He told me the story that he don't have place to sleep, no money, nothing. He is all alone and he sleep outside. His company put him on the street and he is waiting court. Qatar do not want to help.
I don't know how this happen in Qatar? This country make me sick sometimes.
He stay on bench at marina every night, no food, no nothing. And what suprise me that he is well educated, speak few lenguages, very good guy.
I am going there tonight to see him again, to give him few riyal at least.
It would be good if we help, everyone who can.
I just imaging what if he is my brother, son or someone I know well.
He told me that he is every night there, all alone.
So guys, lets help him. I will go there around 8pm.
Hope someone alse will do the same.
I wonder how many people are willibg to help this poor guy.
Donot waste your $$$ for scammers, give it for some real poors in your home country ,
I'm curious what is the nationality of this person?
I had similar story
only lier, new way for scammer, you will find many
lost passport, lost wallet, came for human rights, waiting for court, waiting infront of private clinick asking money for medical when u want go with them inside the hospital, they refuse
Those all stories same
Hi, I find him. And I give him 100QR, he didn't want to take it, he reject many times before I just put it in his hand. And he give his number and ask for my so he can return money when he finish with court.
This guy is not scammer, I see that know. He really need help from good people.
Come on guys let do some good things, lets help this guy.
I can't do it by myself.
Well, I would rather say to have it investigated. Look at his ID, who is the sponsor etc. That will reveal lot of facts.
Help - God will bless you
I know about fake people. But this guy didn't ask anything from me last night, nothing, he didn't ask for money or help. He just tell me the story since I asked amd I always asking much :).
All I thinking is, what if this guy is me or you???
And nobady want to help.
I will go there just becouse I can't lost anything. 100 or 200QR is not going to kill me.
I wonder where is the people who showoff with cars and money now??
No offence and there is a chance that this case is genuine but I have heard lots of similar stories in Qatar and most of them were fake.
and there are many posts in QL with almost same story.
I can feel you and If you want to help this guy, then just pay whatever you can and forget it, try not to involve much.
Just ignore whatever I said if you feel that I was harsh :)