lending money to relatives / friends

Hi friends,
I wanted to ask everybody to see if this is common in asian culture only or pretty much every where
basically do you have your friends or near or distant relatives here or from your home countries ask you for loan, they may ask for few months or less
however, when the due date comes they do not bother to even call you, you wait give some benefit of doubt and than months pass and no communication, later you ask them kindly and they start playing delay tactics?? and it is very hard to get your own money out?
Britexpat ... I will give you some money to buy you pink thong.Thats a gift from a friend ... :)
i've been in that situation where i lend money to a friend and lose our friendship. because the problem arises when it's pay-up time, the one who lends is the one who appears to be the bad guy in the end...
and to the author, NO, it's not a cultural thing, it's a human thing that happens anywhere in the world
i never ever borrow money from friends, because i want to maintain the trust, and as soon as i condsider a friend borrow money from me, i distance myself,
if i need money it should between me and my bank.
expect nothing, do more, love lots, smile often, cry sometimes but continue living....
This is an emergency.. I need new slicks for my KIA.. Please donate generously..
Its not an Asian , African or European thing. Happens to many of us..You have to take each situation as it occurs and do what you feel best. If its a reasonable amount and you can help somebody, then why not .
I never lend money to friend/s, all my friends knows that. Once money involve between friend, there is no friendship anymore.
well always keep a softcorner 4 ur realatives coz they never ask unless they have a geniun problem...even if they r not returning..think tht the money is still in ur family....
"(The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.)"
It does happens, and are done by people who are extremely desparate and have that bad intention to default later.
that does not happen only to relatives/friends. come to think of it, there would have been no credit investigations or covenants if that situation happens to just a few people.
In Islam, giving loans (without interest) to people in need is highly regarded by Allah. If other party has geniune reason and he cannot repay your loan and if possible you forgive him or give him more time to repay in easy installments...
Allah (God) help those who help others....