Lebanese Borned for Export

Lot of times when i am doing businesses with oversea suppliers i always come across terms like XX$ FOB china or FOB jabal Ali etc... for people who doesn't know what that mean, its means that these goods are to be exported and do not undergo taxing formulas. whenever i see such a statement, it always draw a sad smile on my face.
most of the lebanese youth upon graduation and before looking for a job they start looking for a visa. its like they are on a production line and now getting ready to be exported.
personally speaking i have done the same thing when i first traveled to gulf. i didn't even bother looking for a job in lebanon for the simple reason that i don't like favors or kiss ass to get where i am right now.
its been around 4-5 years now working in GCC with a 0 work day exp in lebanon and i ain't planning to do so any time soon.
its really sad to see that our once great culture has turned into a kiss ass WASTA culture where you have to know someone to simply survive in your own country.
having said that, you would think that the lebanese youth has had enough and start actually do something about it, surprisingly enough i found all of them in elections following X and Y and fighting and defending them. i only wished that any of those X and Y would have taking the time and lied to us for 5 min in addressing something that actually mean something.
I would like also to thank our educational system who taught us how to swallow information because swallowing is imitating while resolving is thinking and that's a big Taboo.
maybe ill be able one day to take this "BORN for EXPORT" Tag and go back home with my head up high, maybe i wont be able to do it but please give my children and grand children a chance to actually try.
Most of Love with a SAD Smile.
the pple are already business minded and they do try to help the government. but no one is accepting the help!
For most countries which the society prefers for overseas job, no matter what, shows weakness in the government to put things right at home. Foremost, the political stability, then the economy which guarantees economics spin and employment for the youth population. Again, the people must be industrious and business minded to help the government in achieving this in return. You know how smaller countries like Hongkong and Singapore excel
you're probably right and thank you for the input. i fear that its going to be a difficulty faced by many coming lebanese generation.
Two ways of fixing it(1- public awareness and a revolution or we need a Tirane to rule us in a fair and honest way while their should be peace and evolution) democracy apparently do not work in such a mozayik looking society as lebanon.
nice analysis buddy!
but mostly right, partly not. the incorrect portion is the strength you have acquired to be successful abroad is not because you left Lebanon. Actually, Lebanon has nothing to do with it. Generally it is seen for everyone who moves out of his/her own country in search of livelihood in another place, eventually becomes successful. The reason behind this is the principle of 'survival of the fittest'. In a new turf one has to establish own self by sharpening the axe & keeping it sharp forever. that's true for a brit, american the same way as for a lebanese, indian or pinoy....