
Hey guys,
So nice to be back on QL after some time. I've missed you!!!! :)
I'm currently looking for a new laundry service. Unfortunately it's not that easy. I was wondering if anyone knew a reputable service that can deliver each day. If you guys can provide names then I can look it up from there.
Anyone know anything? Please help. Last time my towels came back shredded and with holes in them. Oh by the way, some of you might remember a thread I entered about my good friend who was dating a qatari and she wasn't sure if he was really interested. Well he wasn't. Last month he told her he was getting engaged. She's heartbroken and movie to the UK. Life seriously is not good. I can't figure out why he did it. 7 months of wasted time. Anyways, let me know about the laundry service.
Try the Snow White Laundry on Salwa Road behind the Betty Ford Clinic! Its terrific! Oh by the way, dont put your towels or thonmgs into any laundry in Qatar unless u like the idea of them being boiled up with the horrid bachaelors gear! Not for me okay yah! yippeeeee.....gin time!