For the last time stopscams, BE ALERT !!

The scams about jail broken iphones and few upcoming mobile phones have been circulating in the site for quite a while. what i wonder is that why qliving is not able to take any actions regarding this issue (i mean come on the mods are pretty good in "unparliamentary language" screening in every sentence we thoughtfully post but not this?)
Qatar living should prevent the effin b****s from posting
adds or even registering firstly without a proper Qatar phone number, or even a skype contact id (who does that anyway??)or find some alternate ways to keep em away from our site.
people share their thoughts , their daily experience's, their emotions. debuts about particular issues, lots of shopping. and many more stuffs are going on in this site .but fyi it is also crowded with scams and scammers.
Mods, kindly look into this issue and you guys could save some poor ql'r from being the future victims of another scam.
find a solution !!!
but still there are few people who are not much into online shopping and forum shopping stuffs, they are new and have limited knowledge about these internet scams, they could be trapped easily.
what i'm suggesting is a screening process while the singing up , or posting a comment, that only a valid local number could be included in the contact box.
scammers are just rampant as botters, this is not a problem anymore but a fact
what ever sites will do , and will prevent , spammers always there to invent how to extract your money and nothing stop them , it s like their full time job , the only way is to be always careful and never ever send money and buy through them , never believe when items are cheap , but what ever happen always some people will believe on their crap and will be trapped.