Landcruiser accident at Sheraton R/A

I saw a black Landcruiser turned over after coming off the Sheraton R/A today at about 6pm. The driver, a Qatari, was trapped inside and had to be rescued. Ambulances took ages to come to the scene. The driver must have sped off the roundabout and lost control. Did anyone else see it? These Landcruisers are deadly and the drivers just don't seem to learn or care that 'speed kills!'
we all see their panels every day and for some looong time..does smbdy "measure" drivers' awareness??? Any results?? Guess not, analyzing what's happening on roads...But, after I saw that panel on Onaiza r/a
"Take care driving in the opposite direction" (opposite..what a *?!!) I can assume even Traffic Police is opinion!
PS Seems it's a Landcruiser the culprit from the image;-)
proper education and awareness; the attitude and savege nature would change them to be more responsible and civilized, as seen in other GCC countries...give them sometime, I mean a decade will suffice.
I got it. I clearly understood your were quotting Ibn Khaldoun.
What I was trying to say is that some Arabs still describe their culture nowadays with similiar words.
I agree about Landcruisers, however, they are not the only reckless drivers. I grew up with my parent's Citroen 2CV. It didn't even have seat belts, the brakes regularly failed and in 5 years we never made it the whole of the M3 without having to call the breakdown service, often the engine would seize up while in the middle lane. Because my mum is a middle aged, middle class, posh teacher, she's just eccentric. If she was an 18 year old lad she would be a madman. I hate the old American cars here, not only are they falling apart but they are usually carrying about 5 more people than they should. They are also reckless.
Samir Gangolli
Samir Gangolli
lusitano, this is Ibn Khaldoun's opinion, not mine. However, he is considered to be the creator of sociology and one of the greatest Arab scientists of all times. Numerous schools, institutes, and hotels bear his name!
I get Arab friends, raised out of this region who tend to describe Arabs that way. Being Arabs themselves I sure admire their partiality and it proves that not all are like that. Perhaps just the ones who drive recklessly land cruisers.
"Arabs dominate only of the plains, because they are, by their savage nature, people of pillage and corruption. They pillage everything that they can take without fighting or taking risks, then flee to their refuge in the wilderness, and do not stand and do battle unless in self-defense."
This is Ibn Khaldoun's analysis of the 'Arab' mentality. Maybe he got it right in the 15th century?
Victor, I would have thought the natural instinct for self-preservation would kick in at some point (God-given or otherwise) but something seems to over-ride it. And what possesses people to let their kids run loose inside the car? I'm sure they must care about their kids. Surely!
Yep littlejimmy, I agree with you. It's irresponsible giving dangerous things in the hands of spoiled kids who are not yet ready to use technology.
God made them also aware to take safety measures for himself and responsible for others as well...Otherwise be prepared for unexpected results.
Guns are designed to kill, Land Cruisers aren't, so not really a valid analogy IMO. As Eddie Izzard said, I'm sure a monkey with a gun could do some damage. What about a monkey in a Land Cruiser...?
And besides, when the driver believes that everything is God's Will and paradise awaits, what chance do we have?
just I need a licence to ride a camel on corniche..
We all know that it is Driver who is responsible..for mishaps, be responsible while on driving seat!
I really feel scared after Sh fahd fatal accident; if somebody come from opposite side and hit the car, God forbid!.....whats my fault here, even though I am driving very safely..
as Vegas, said:
"you can't teach experience"
and I add...
Both seem to lack in this State!
There is no need to learn when one has the impression / illusion, that he/she is superior - I am afraid this State suffers from this syndrome
just in the street going to madinat khalifa from alsadd, i think its al rayyan palace street, there seems to be an exhibit of cars that were in accidents.
Last Thursday, a jeep collided with a concrete barrier when doing a left turn. The other day it was a land cruiser and another white car, both of which are now side by side on display. Last night it was a pick-up and a car.
I agree it has nothing to do with the cars but the drivers. Drivers who will turn right in a roundabout but stay in the innermost lane. Or flash their lights on you eventhough its one lane and everyone is bound to turn right. I dont think they will learn until they get into an accident.
You can't teach experience...
whatever you say or do, but you cannot make them realize how dangerously they drive LANDCRUISERS or any other 4WD.
Everybody wishes they could go to heaven but no one wants to die.
don't forget they're here also to stop traffic whenever the Emir or any VIP is on the road...
don't forget they're here also to stop traffic whenever the Emir or any VIP is on the road...
I agree with you, however...
It’s been to quick the change in the amount of money in the wallet and not on the education level. We need to give them some time to readjust and balance both but if we stay in silence and not give them any feedback they might maintain the illusion that nothing is wrong with their behavior!
****Camels were the best****
They had speed governors
They dont slip
They never had to turn around in round abouts
Kids also had to be seated always
They had no 4.7L engines
Its been too quick a change dudes, give them lil more time to learn the differences.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
thanks for the info UK, and what are they for again? LOL
glamor i guess hehehe
TCOM, reminds me of PROGUN advocates in the Philippines, Guns don't kill people etc. etc.
trip na kontraem badtripen ah!
somwerNdmiddle the new police is a Uniformed version of the Capital Security department.
Tcom, your absolutely right its the chimp behind the wheel and finger behind the trigger that kills.
Guns dont kill ..... Land Cruisers dont kill
People kill
and what is that new police unit they recently launched?
i only saw one on their first day and then nothing! we need them to work and implement rules of traffic.
trip na kontraem badtripen ah!
Traffic Police in this country is only used to control Traffic at busy Roaundabout's. So I guess there are no Traffic Police to maintain and implement the Traffic laws and regulations
Traffic police in this State, is like many other things here, a decor item in the fake stage, to pretend that this is a nation ruled by law, to project an illusion to the world that this is in fact a civilized nation, which obviously it is not yet the case... a matter of evolution and Qatar remains at the pretending stage!
baldrick is right, blame the !@#$#$#! driver not the land cruiser. this has been discussed many times here and nothing has changed, where's the traffic police anyway? sometimes we wonder what are they for? what's their sole puspose here on this earth?!
trip na kontraem badtripen ah!
The reckless, aggressive and disrespectful driving represents the real essence of this country /nation. Represents the degree of civilization this people have so far achieved (not to far, we can all confirm on a daily basis).
Now, I know it’s unfair to generalize, but the amount of aggressive and reckless drivers dressed as Qataris, don’t leave us with many doubts.
To worsen the situation is the negligence of the authorities, as guilty as the reckless drivers as they close their eyes to a huge problem this State is facing, victimizing people on a daily basis including high ranked ones.
When will the authorities decide to actually do something EFFECTIVE about this problem????!!!!!!
It is obvious to me that the degree of civilization necessary to drive in a respectful manner won’t be naturally achieved in Qatar in the next few generations (as some of you pointed kids are taught from very early ages how to be unsafe) and therefore things wont change if the law isn’t designed for that and if it isn’t really enforced to ALL!
Until then, shame on this State and on the State's reputation its own people are projecting internationally!
Perfect disinformation we can get in the usual Qatar.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I believe people have this bully instinct carried over by the genes. We, either consciously or unconsciously, want to bully those who are weaker, smaller, uglier, shorter, slower etc. Big cars & fast cars just help bring those instinct out to the surface. You are a different person once you sit behind the wheel. Do you realize that?
The problem is not the car, but idiots who drive them like it is a Lamborghini. They would do the same to any other similar style vehicle.
What difference does it make to the dead whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or democracy?
Guys, there is F all wrong with Land Cruisers. Stop blaming the car. It's the #$%&ing DRIVER!
So are you guys now convinced Landcruisers are more deadlier here in Qatar than the swineflu? Ooops... someone is going to say "poor taste"!
Maybe the road was slippery and the mobile rang at the same time?
Serve him right. Thats two in a week. Looking for many more to come before the moral message gets through to them "Don't Do It"
IF it is reported in the newspaper and that is a big IF
it will be reported as
'a mishap'
'landcruiser lost control'
'unfortunate incident'
'troublesome roundabout'
something like that...I mean a mishap is when you spill your glass of milk...not roll a landcruiser through three lanes.
I think it's sad that many of us would actually share the same feeling. Occasionally you see a tragic accident in the papers and your first thought is "I wonder just how fast he was going" NOT "what a tragedy"
I think that is a sad reflection of our feelings towards drivers of certain vehicles. More needs to be done to curb the recklessness.
Well at least it sounds like the driver managed to not kill a cabinet minister this time, so it's not all bad.
i'm with UK...another dickhead off the road for a while.
any blood there? huh?
donosa si.. spot on. If they cannot care for the safety of their own kids how can they care about anyone else's saftey.
I'm telling you, I'll try to keep a track of the number of little kids I see everyday jumping inside the cars. I don't think this people get it!
And of course guys, if they don't care about safety for their own kids, how are we expecting them to care about the lives of us out there who have to put up with their mad driving.
They go as fast as hell, they don't slow down. The other day I nearly had a car accident with a Landcruiser, thank God I could guess what the guy was going to do, or else I wouldn't be here... (that's how fast he was driving).
I hope somebody can educate them. Police should be more strict.
Sorry to say but one less idiot on the road for a while..
That's terrible if kids are inside. :(
"Admit your mistakes...before someone exaggerates the story."
You can't teach experience...