Lack of ethics and Employee bullying

By Jessy

After my experience in Qatar, I ve come across very vivid employee bullying practices......The people at my workplace completely are dull and lack confidence although they have family obligations, yet people have a hell of white skin obsession ..........
I ve encountered that sort of racism in the work place where not one leadership style works where there are hundred walls between many cultures and constructing that bridge is of utmost difficulty.....People cant recognise the difference between an Indian and an American even though both may be highly proficient in English, Serious lack of coherence in thoughts......

Also, I ve encountered employee bullying, which goes unchecked and supported by the top employer..... Really bemused by the level of sickness.....Although pay may be high yet Indians are looked down upon vis a vis the western counterparts........ Well What i learnt was practically nothing but to survive in this world one has to have a hell of cultural bias......... Rigidity leads to frustrationa and complete irreverance to free flow of thoughts...... With this I bid good bye .....

By Jessy• 20 Jun 2008 20:04

My story is true definitely to a certain extent....

By anonymous• 19 Jun 2008 10:29

However, this does not just only happen to one nation, I myself have gone through a great deal of harassement here in my office with so called whitey expats. being a whitey myself. They are rude, they harass, they demoralise and if it were allowed I would name them they should be named as they are a danger to any office.

Until I actually made an official complaint, where the local management were entirely surprised that one west expat complained against another expat (they thought we were all friends) the Manager was fianlly removed and the next one is on the removal list.

We have Indians, Philippinos, Egyptians, Palestinans, and other nationalities in our office - we interact with each other and spend our free time with each other. Most of all we share all our food and cooking ideas with each other - hmm yes even men. Skins colour does not play a part in our daily lives and I am the only European working in this office.

By whoami• 19 Jun 2008 09:52

how about people stick to one username rather than making a million to support themselves?


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By anonymous• 18 Jun 2008 23:43


"RAKIJA connecting people"

By Jessy• 18 Jun 2008 20:46

There was poison at CNA Q

Wht abt that?

By Jessy• 18 Jun 2008 20:45

In some other thread a customer was complaining about poor banking services

I m complaining abt poor work culture and muslim gangism.... which goes unchecked ,.... eccentrics....

By whoami• 18 Jun 2008 11:58
Rating: 5/5

Queen Renee is the best at generalizing. Didn't even both to read our comments or that fact that we're all working in our offices happily.

If she said, "There is some discrimination going on". I'd say "yes there is. You are right." and then offer a cookie.

But she's paranoid. OoooooH Qatar is out to get you OoooooooH.

If someone shares a good experience, we're not being 'realistic', if she over generalizes negativitiy, she's 'keepin it real'. Lol


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By anonymous• 18 Jun 2008 01:26

hurray Italy :-D

oBBs wrong Bost :P

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 01:04

Oh I won't be here for another 2 weeks Alexa..same can't be said about you as you have no life....

nite nite :p

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 01:02

Are you 11?

By Dracula• 18 Jun 2008 01:00

I used to call her "viper'

You tongue...

Big mistake for me!

She's a really nice person, a smart lady, dead-honest,and a great communicator

She is a secret guardian angel.

With her unique blend of sarcasm,compassion, realism and humor, she helps people find sensible, workable answers to their problems.

Please, dont make same mistake!!!


"Only by being open and asking for help will we know that we are not alone. If you have someone who will walk the journey with you, it is always easier."

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 01:00

GOOD NIGHT everyone...that also includes you, renee.

sweet dreams :-)

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:58

and that question is coated with honey too...


By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:57

Oh come on Alexa you respond to my posts because you BORED...why else would any idiot respond to my stupid, crazy posts?

By nadt• 18 Jun 2008 00:57


nite Renee..didnt you say you have a charity function tommorrow..Good luck with that...

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:54

well then don't give me this crap that you have met her honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:53

nite nadt...opps i forgot not part of the clique :p

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:53

I know nothing of what you're talking about? If you speak of the social're barking at the wrong tree, honey....

Good night ;-)

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:52

MY gosh ALEXA actually leaves QL for a good 3 hours...dont let the shakes get to you....its ok. u have QL tomorrow and the next day and the

By nadt• 18 Jun 2008 00:52

I think everyone goes crazy here after midnight...sleep will probably do everyone some good..

Nite Alexa

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:51

Drac?, nadt?, Renee?

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:50

The point is azi that you are so obsessed with ur little gang on QL that u never would listen to anyone elses point of view.........WHAT A SURPRISE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BLAH BLAH BLAH>>>>>>>>>>..enjoy ur clique :p

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:50

I'm off...GOOD MORNING (*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:48


By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:48

such as this coz this has totally deviated from the topic to PERSONAL ATTACKS and further degraded to comments about the social group...

I'm right though, it didn't matter really what I would say (my bad) and you don't give a bull's crap to what other may say coz you seemed to be convinced of what you believed in...

Oh well...that's my 2 cents worth of opinion....CARRY ON


By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:47

How many times have we heard that Alexa....I WAS BORED...LOOOOOOOOOOOOLL no surprise considering how much your life is dedicated to cyper world

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:43

Exactly - I agree with you nadt - she falls into it everytime and WE (meaning the 3 of us) have a blast as we always know she is going to respond as she spends most of her life on here....hhehehe

By nadt• 18 Jun 2008 00:40

Alexa do you really need to prove yourself to Renee, why bother, everything you say gets twisted...

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:40


By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:39

dont give me this crap that you know her in person on a forum....many people dont know others in "real life" and choose to stay this way...this " but I've met her" means nothing on a forum and should not be mentioned...AS IT IS CYPER wonder why people were getting pissed at not being allowed to attend soical go on and on about "how you know this person and that person" which is fine but carry on when naturally people want to join...seriously...go figure...

By anonymous• 18 Jun 2008 00:38

You are not sleeping yet Renee?

"RAKIJA connecting people"

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:34

but it is not my country and i leave it to the natives to run their country...

>> you contradict argue against my comments but are going to help nepali workers...yeha that makes sense...

till next time :p

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:33

We know her outside this forum...

and though my words may not carry much weight to you, she is indeed helps out to worthy causes in and outside QL...

but no one needs to brandish good deeds on line...

BTW, how are you??? been a long time since we saw you posting lately.

By nadt• 18 Jun 2008 00:32

True Azi, sometimes read mode is more constructive than replying to some people....

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:29

but no popcorn...might ruin your appetite :-P

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:28

and since i already had my share of trolling in another thread.

ALEXA can handle this one...the other has another thing coming to him/her/it....

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:28

Offer one to Alexa but I think she is so busy on QL that she doesn't have time for the real world...LOL

By Dracula• 18 Jun 2008 00:26

bobcorn and bloody marry for me Azi.

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:25

Oh come on with a comment like that how could I not respond...of course you have to make youself look so gracious on QL..since you spend most of you life on here....and need support from your buddies

Anyway, i'm off...have a charity fund in the morning..what are your plans?? QL...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Something different for a change????????????? LOOOOL

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:18

BTW Alexa, I am ashamed to be a westerner with a comemnt such as:

but it is not my country and i leave it to the natives to run their country

It really does prove that there are "closed eyed" people out there who don't give a shiiitee about human misery....

By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:14

Oh get a life - I have nothing left to say to someone who 'contributes' so much time on a public forum...

BTW - I really don't care if you belive me a caring person towards people's welfare or not.

but it is not my country and i leave it to the natives to run their country...

>> Oh thank god we don't all have the same attitude as yours...can you imagine if we all said this about the poor kids in Africa??

but it is not my country and i leave it to the natives to run their country...

tsk tsk....

Leave it to the natives????

By t_coffee_or_me• 18 Jun 2008 00:13

OMG when did Alexa become smart

Pass some Bopcorn N bepsi azi





By nadt• 18 Jun 2008 00:11

lol've had far too much entertainment for the day...

By azilana7037• 18 Jun 2008 00:08


By Renee• 18 Jun 2008 00:00

I don't see how you can comment about the workforce when you dont work in Qatar and spend most of your life being a smart ass on QL....!!!

By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:56


By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:53


By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:51

Alexa u really need to get a life...seriously its tedious how much time you spend on QL...

What is it now 20/7?

By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:49

Well fortunately for you fine people you have the choice to live where ever you want..for most they dont have that luxury..dont expect you to understand :(:(

YES you love it here but you dont live in poverty so you cant grasp what it would be like......dooop...I give up you just dont get it...Remember its not always about you...*rolls her eyes*

By nadt• 17 Jun 2008 23:41

You would think so QS, in the end we make our choices, to live miserably or move on....

By qatarisun• 17 Jun 2008 23:39

...for some reason..i always thought that you are from morrocco ..aren't you?..just wondering, coz u mentioned that you are western...???

I like Doha.. and nobody pays me for saying it.. if i didn't like in here, i wouldn't stay here for 1 day...

it doesn't mean I don't like other countries.. i like everywhere i live, otherwise i move on...

By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:38

What "mir" ? You all bullying the poor sod? Even is he is as pathetic as you all make him to be, the OP has very valid points.

Anytime anyone makes negative comments about Qatar, you people jump down our throat.....I guess theres a difference between a country where it wants to improve on human rights and then you have QATAR

By nadt• 17 Jun 2008 23:31

Renee before you judge what we say, at least read about some of our responses to the threads that mention the issues you raised...

i wouldnt be to quick to defend "jessy, hes one of the biggest rascist people here on QL.

By Renee• 17 Jun 2008 23:21

You people seriously need to leave Doha for a few years to work and realize the discrimination, incompetence, racism and sexism that exist in most workplaces in Qatar.

If you work in the Uk, US, Aus, etc. do you get a dark skinned “man” to pour you a cup of tea? Like in Doha? Next time you go home, why don’t you see their reaction?

So it seems the neo-colonists are alive and well.

Before you say I am generalising, give it a go, or are you so obsessed at being the good “Samaritan” on QL that you can’t make a single negative comment about Qatar anymore??

More over I congratulate not only Qatar but the gulf assigning pay levels according to race despite the fact that we are all living in the same country. If that is not racism can you please tell me what is?? (And don’t try to justice whilst it’s true that the west is more expensive many of these poor sods can’t afford to travel home to see their families. Fine this is not their country, but at least treat them with some damn dignity -they are human after all.)

It’s so easy for you westerners on here to praise Qatar all the time and criticise anyone that says a negative thing – how about you step in the shoes of a person from the sub-continent and see how you feel when your told you can’t step into a shopping centre because it is ‘family day’ whilst western single men walk in unrepeated.

The curfews in stores such as H&M as well as other retail outlets plus Qatar Airways must seek permission to leave and must be home before 10pm during the weekdays. Yeah that is so normal and like everywhere else.

This does reek of sexism and racism because it is not imposed on westerners. The reason why they are not is that nobody would come work in Qatar. BTW I am a westerner.....

Jessy I seriously think these people are getting paid to say good things about Doha. The reason I say this is that if you speak to 100% of westerners on the street, the are in total agreement with me and understand the pure misery that goes on in this country.

Spare a thought for the slave workers who live 10 to a rooms when your living in your apartment..

It comes down to people love to live with their "eyes closed" - do I need to say more?

By qatarisun• 17 Jun 2008 23:14

"People cant recognise the difference between an Indian and an American"..and what is a difference?

From Wikipedia:

" Indian Americans are Americans who are of Indian ancestry. The U.S. Census Bureau popularized the term Asian Indian to avoid confusion with "American Indian".

In North America the term Indian has an ambiguous meaning. Historically, Indian was commonly used to indicate Native American. If a more specific term was needed to differentiate; American Indian and East Indian were commonly used. American Indian has fallen out of favor and Native American is more commonly used to refer to the Indigenous peoples of North America. East Indian is still in common use. Currently South Asian is often used instead of East Indian."

...I fit our quite multinational (but mostly qatari)... company...bullying/ragging??..don't know... never noticed.. btw, the same people could behave and act differently with defferent persons...or maybe it worth it to change a company.. to find more ethical/intelligent environment..i have not been sarcastic, it's pretty serious...

By spicemom• 17 Jun 2008 23:12

is he gonna be the next M J??

life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......

By nadt• 17 Jun 2008 23:10

lol i know...poor tortured soul, hes so obsessed with white skin, he thinking of going to Australia...

By nadt• 17 Jun 2008 23:04

Alexa its wishful thinking!!!!

By spicemom• 17 Jun 2008 23:00

jessy- good bye then ...........

life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......

By nadt• 17 Jun 2008 22:59

Any paragraph that has the phrase "white skin obsession" comes from predictable, what shocks me though is there no mention of "arabs or muslims"...maybe "jessy" is saving that one for another thread..

By QT• 17 Jun 2008 22:53

...if you don't like it Mir, Go back to India!

No-one is forcing you to stay in Qatar!

"...You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain’t never seen a donkey fly. Ha, Ha, Ha..." Donkey

By anonymous• 17 Jun 2008 22:30

In my opinion his thread is quiet interesting. Apparently some other QLER's have other views and sort of "Bully attitude," embedded along with their thoughts in Hijacking this thread.

Not saying, that I'm always "innocent" in the "Bullying Business and issues," yet, I recognize my fair share of "bullying" and "hijacking threads," but I recommend to everyone, including myself to chill out and reconsider our attitude about "Bullying others with out proof of Identity".


President Bush, In a message to Tehran, he said: "You bet you have a sovereign right, absolutely, but you don't have the trust of those of us who have watched you carefully when it comes to enriching uranium."

By t_coffee_or_me• 17 Jun 2008 22:03

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that explains it all





By anonymous• 17 Jun 2008 22:01

he is getting nightmares of college bullying/ragging.

By t_coffee_or_me• 17 Jun 2008 21:54

OMG Mir had a sex change operation





By anonymous• 17 Jun 2008 21:51

and you sound like clone of Mir

By anonymous• 17 Jun 2008 21:50
Rating: 4/5

It starts with the leadership by establishing:

1-The code of Ethics.

2-Rules of conduct at work.

3-The Equal Opportunity policy.

President Bush,In a message to Tehran, he said: "You bet you have a sovereign right, absolutely, but you don't have the trust of those of us who have watched you carefully when it comes to enriching uranium."

By azilana7037• 17 Jun 2008 21:24
Rating: 4/5

the workforce are as follows:

- top managements are GERMAN (4 pax)

- 1 canadian (BD Manager)

- 4 Indians (2 supervisors, 1 administrator, 1 sales executive),

- 5 Sudanese (2 site supervisors, 2 PROs, 1 coordinator, 1 receptionist)

- 2 Sri Lankans (1 coordinator , 1 supervisor),

- 10 Filipinos (3 in accounting, 7 coordinators)

- 1 Nepali (cleaner/teaboy)

AND....this has been the set-up since the time i came to the company (plus-minus those who left/resigned)...

Believe it or not...we don't have any problems/issues that you mentioned. And from the time i came in to QL, you're one of the RARE posters who complained of such...

By whoami• 17 Jun 2008 21:11
Rating: 4/5

in my office, there's myself (A Qatari), an Indian/Brit, Pakistani/Ozzy, an Ozzy, a Kiwi, a syrian, an indian, and a Sudani. We all work together as a team, we smile, we joke and do our jobs diligently.

If that isn't internationalisation I don't know what is.


Click here for info Qatar's safety, events, costs, pics, and more I♥  <-- (Expat, Tourist, and Local Info)

By t_coffee_or_me• 17 Jun 2008 21:03

hahahahah one more racist thread





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