knowledge and Experience
In my opinion the most important thing is that the knowledge gained from experience it is an embodied one, you live the situation and you know exactly how does it feels. This is crucial because it is not a cognitive knowledge it is one actualized with the reality. The result is that when a similar situation happens you most know what to do and the consequence of your reactions or behaviour. The best example it is when a child get burned, if it hurts surely he will never touch the fire again because he knows by he experience what happens and the association will be done automatically in his mind and body.
heheh i was not talking about learning how to make fire. I was just saying once fire is there, for a baby to learn what fire does, he/she needs to experience first what it does.
knowledge is usually adopted theoretically
knowledge is also adopted after experiencing something
Experience can not be adopted theoretically
Experience can be adopted after experiencing something
As I told you both are connected with each other then to make a fire it's a knowledge and gets a burn from it is a experience simple........!
input could also be experience and the output could be knowledge..
How do you know fire burns if you don't experience it?
guys knowledge is mother of experience as you all addmited that they both conected with each other So they cooprate each other.Our input is knowledge and output is experience
They both feed each other.
Having one will accelerate the rate of having the other no matter where the source comes from.
We learn things so we can put them to use in our lives and we gain knowledge from our lives' experiences too.
Gaining knowledge is essential.But any knowledge is deemed more benefiting and useful only if it can be put to use. For example you get people studying religion and then working opposite to their learning which meant their knowledge didn't really avail them in anyway. On the other hand when you study of a subject and then you put it to use or teach it to another that's when your knowledge, combined with your actions will actually come to use.
And as for experiences, then yes we should always take a lesson from our various contacts and exposures, be they pleasant or not. That way nothing we ever go through will be in vain.
We learn through experience
My bad. Your doll AYEE-Bendee-Over did say you were The Best :0)
What, then how come Xing Li Fu, Chi Mu CHi and my other dolls happy with my experience ? :(
I must disagree..
For example, Rizks has read, re-read and re-re-read the Kama Sutra.
He has the knowledge, but sadly NOT the experience .......... Yet :o(
learning & experience are two different things. But the TS is talking about cognitive knwowledge/abilities. The rate & ability to learn differs in every person as it depends on one's cognitive abilities.
By the time you have posted this topic, you already coordinated knowledge & experience. Cognitive knowledge/abilities or shall we say "cognition" refers to mental process. This involves memory, perception(smell,touch,etc.), motor(movement), language,etc.
Since you have EXPERIENCE in QL forum, you find it easier to post a topic here because you have already the KNOWLEDGE on how to do it. So therefore, knowledge & experience is always coordinated.
most of the things are that what we learn by daily experience.
what we studied in school we use to apply in our daily life but what ever we are doing that we learn by daily experience so how you coordinate knowledge and Experience..........?