Kids must be encouraged to talk freely

I think those days should be left behind when parents don't get socialize with their kids. Today due to busy lifestyle of parents are increasingly giving offenders chances to victimise children. The cases of sexual offences taking place with our children are increased.
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What a badly written article.
It makes very little sense and does not offer anything.
Kids have always been abused and always will be (sadly).
Of course children should be encouraged to chat and ask questions - but even when that happens they can still be abused.
Bull Hocks to this rehashed rubbish.
Yes , kids should be warned about the dangers they may face, but to say that "Even teachers should encourage students to enquire about anything and everything they feel like” cannot work.
Teachers are there to teach - not to act as psycologists.
Some fathers think that they are the sole bread earners so they have rights to keep kids indoor all the time.Restrict them for any kind of good world or toys or games talking.I have seen one maniac who dont permit his son to go to any summer school or any kind of outdoor activity becoz he dont want to spend a single dime on his own son.
That is not how you include a news source in a blog. You didn't write anything.
THIS is how it is done
You're welcome.