Karaoke System?? Need one for Tonight!

Hi All
I am looking for a Karaoke System (Good Quality) anyone know where I can get one from???
I have organised a one for tonight and I was supposed to use my friends but she is still not back from Vacation!!! and its all organised for TONIGHT people invited etc etc... so really need to find one,,,, if anyone can help I will really appreciate
yr most welcome and happy karaoking.....traaaa lalalalalala
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I managed to get one, from a Friend, Its a magic sing I believe, the one with just the Mic and the songbooks... apparently its good, she got from Carrefour and it was QR1400.00
thanks spicemom
got the magic sing fr carrefour for less than QR2K(sorry dont remember exact price)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Hey let us know how much is the magic sing. I might get one for myself.
also known as the Filipino Souq.
It's either a MEDIACOM or MAGIC SING brand; I think MAGIC SING is available in Carrefour/City center. That's where i got my sing-along system before.
The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. - ANN LANDERS