Just too funny!

By Cornellian •
Here's one of the classified ads:
me to i need girlfriend
By jack123 on Thu, 06/12/2007 - 7:13am
i am man 25 y old looking for beauty girl to go out with her
talking about our dream and ambition
i still waiting for her
Come on Girls...who can resist his charm ?? LMAO!
Wow, didn't realize it has such a history. We are going to the pyramids, so will definitely make a point of stopping off for lunch or something. Thanks so much for the info :-)
Spirit..........its fantastic.......it was Napoleon's Hunting lodge, its an amazing thing to sit at the bar and look at the original interior as it was when Nap. was there. Also lots of Canadians at the hotel and its not as expensive as it really should be. If you go see the Pyramids you cant miss the hotel its opposite the entrance to the Pyramids. Resturants are great, they got Arabic, Chinese, Indian ( marivous food) and they have music in the resturants too.
Good to hear nice things about Cairo... had some concerns about going, but hey, when in the Middle East, it's a 'must see' at least in my books. We're staying at the Sheraton - will have to check out the hotel you recommend, though :-)
Ah........Cairo..........lovely city, great people, so friendly.........love the cafes .......always stay in the Oberoi Hotel on Pyramid road.........fantastic hotel, great service, great rooms, great resturants
I appreciate any thoughts you'll have for me. And, when I get back, I'll PM and let you know how it went :-)
Because I have to log off now, I will PM you about places to visit in Cairo, and what to expect or try to avoid.
My friend just got back from Cairo, he spent 3 days, and he was on cloud nine! Hope you will have a similar or even better experience.
Salam for now
Actually, we'll be out of Cairo before Christmas. We leave on the 14th from Doha, and leave Cairo on the 18th. We'll actually be in Muscat by the 25th :-). I have a colleague who will be going home, so he's going to give us some of his time, and I've booked guides for all the 'touristy' stuff - pyramids, museum, etc.
Any additional 'must see' site info would be gratefully accepted :-)
Well, good thought about paying the bills, but all of that travel must get tiresome, especially when it's not for pleasure. How long do you have to stay in one place, and than the next?
Oh wow!! see you there buddy...:))) are you visiting the metropolitan city of Cairo? well, it is such a crowded city. During holidays it is filled with tourists from all over the world.
I bit you have enough info about where to go and must-see sites, right?
Ladies if you want a laugh go read my answer to gypsys thread on "Suggestions Please" then you can see what a tough life I have in Doha when I'm there
Happy Happy..........got the first hot breeeze.......you are a Dream Woman
Oh, so true LOL... I'll be visiting Egypt - Cairo, actually during my holiday. Everyone tells me it's very crowded, what's your thought on that?
Corn..........what do I do, well I should be the General Manager of the companies new set up in Doha but at the present time I am the Trouble Shooter for the Board of Directors..........which is begining to get on my nerves as they promised I could go to Qatar and stay there.
All I do is run from one problem to another........like the damn fire fighter, trouble is as soon as I put one out there is another one somewhere else.......thousends of miles away. Hey it pays the bills I suppose, shouldnt complain.
Compared to the weather conditions he's going through, this is warm and just cozy!
Besides, I'm Egyptian, I can blow him some warmth from luxor and Aswan or even Cairo..:)I'm resourceful, no problem..:))
Tokyo is the top of my list, that place sounds amazing! Where abouts in Malaysia have u been ? I loved it there!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
The sun wasn't out much here today,either. At least it wasn't as cold as yesterday...
Cool, sounds like you have a lot of travel in your life! Singapore, a place that's on my list for future travels. Been as far as Malaysia, but that's it... thinking of stopping in Bulgaria this summer, on my way up to Finland to do some hiking in Lapland, and visit with cousins.
Did you get it yet? I just sent you a little bit of Sun's warmth from Doha..:))
I cannot cope with too cold or windy weather. I can be around snow for a week or less, end every other year not every year!
From Bulgaria to Singapore to Doha...makes me wonder what it is u do! Whatever it is...it sounds awesome!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Well sort of...........I come to Qatar sometimes, I hope for good soon but at the moment in Bulgaria for a month. Will also have to ge to Singapour next month for a while..........problems there too
Snow is so pretty to look at, but that's about it IMHO... I had enough of it as a child. Now I look for warmer climates for winter months. When/if I return to Canada, I'll be a 'snowbird' for sure :-)
Yes, I rather thought so. Somehow I thought the folks on the forum were all in Qatar, though... show's my ignorance LOL...
Snow on a sunny day is beautiful, but grey rainy days are just awful.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Hi Spirit............Sofia would look better if it was covered in snow.....which it sometimes is.........Bulgaria gets snow in winter especially in the mountain range in the middle and south
Brrr sounds miserable, but it could STILL be worse, you could be in Canada - it's been snowing for DAYS!! Ick, ick, ick LOL
the sky is just a dirty grey colour........all over.....will be another rock and roll flight tonight
Doesn't sound like much fun. I hate it when there's no sunlight, just too gloomy :(
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Corn.........think yourself lucky......here in Sofia, its cold and raining and the wind is blowing like hell
Ekkkhhh! The weather sucks outside!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
just let me know which airport is closest to u and I'll be on my way!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Corn, Light of my Darkness.............not prince charming..........the Black Prince
Ah yes KS, we would ride into the horizon at sunset. Prince charming, here I cooooooooome!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Sheeehs, Corne, come on girl, forget Canary...you go for him...I want to see you happy with him, riding a horse along the beach you two...and talking about DREAMZ UNLIMITED, in the Kingdom of Far Far Away...LOL...
anyways before you kill me girl,
Alright Children of QL,, aunties, uncles, boys, girls, hunks, and ofcourse my very own, BABEZ...
Take care, have a fantastic, fabulous, safe and a very happy Weekend...
cheers...I'm outta here, this is MESELF SIGNING OFF...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I am not as young as I used to be lol. However bold and beautiful so maybeeeee my chances with a little ambition will be good lol.
oh come on canary, true love only comes once...forget ur week! Go meet ur true soulmate!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
This is a busy weekend so unfortunately. Sooooooooo...
to talk with you about our dreams and ambitions.
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Girl, you are beautiful, have dreams and ambitions...so what are you waiting for...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
cannarbird need cosultant so.................i am availabe for the post of consultant.......lol
"Drink Beer Save Water"
awwww corne...you are now being choosy...:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Well Canary, what the heck are u waiting for ?? He's waiting for u! Run Forest run! :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
I wonder if he would take a beautiful older woman I'm avaiable lol and I still have dreams and ambitions. lol
But this guy is looking for beauty and ambitions...so smoke has no chance :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
May be smoke can handle him.lol
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Poor guy he's probably still standing out the City Center waiting for a girl to talk about her ambitions and dreams...awwww....
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
simply irresistible.lol.everyone wants to make good friendship with you.
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