Just a thought !!!

By happygolucky •
Today morning on way to office was waiting on the red signal...I would be 7th or 8th in the que.
When the signal turned green, the car in the lane next to me immediately started honking... I just wondered and thought...what must be going on in that guys head... If he doesn't honk will the traffic in front of him not move... still thinking...
Honking for me is required only to draw the attention for something wrong or of concern.. else not...
Any thoughts?? Is it common here to honk just for the sake of honking or is there anything else....
honking behind you wants to "FLY",not drive.and it annoys me to death!
lol, ok, maybe i haven't seen the worse yet
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
lol.. there was an old thread here that a guy was using his laptop while driving!
I think he must be trying to get the attention of the guy in the Landcruiser infront of him, who must have been sippping his tea while reading the paper and talking on his mobile all at the same time..
It's nothing here compared to some other countries. Been to Egypt? Lol!
the rock? what do u mean its not common here??? oh come on!
no avishai, im not new, i was born & bred in do7a
lol bint, 'till now you're not known that some people in qatar are like that (s2pd)? are you new to this place?
look around, it's everywhere...
FS is hijacking, wehehe
wrong thread..
honking habits depend on where people come from :)
Nopes, its not common here.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
However, when I'm the first at the line, I am always miles away when the light turns green. They all seem to be sleeping.
Lol MD, Ive been so tempted to do that but I've never actually been brave enough.
Thats good MD let me know where i can spot your car i'll keep honking behind you, wait till u get out and then tell you "no problemo senor, i speak no inglish porfavor?"
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
FS how would u think it happen?
ohh MD ur so generous....
I wish all had the same politeness in them like u DO..:)
FS,,,, ic ant imagine someone swallowing it!
If somebody behind me honks his horn, I get out of my car and ask politely if he has a problem and if I can help.
Hmm FS yalla follow me to the other thread :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
You can't teach experience...
avishai, if they think like that well then i think thats s2pid! unless they have mega phones attached to their cars... LOL
bint, i think that's what in the mind of these guys, they think they are being heard by the first car driver but they don't notice they become annoying to others...
yes i know it means to move faster... but what can u do if ur 5th or 6th in the que???
if ur in the end of the line, do u think the 1st car would even hear ur honking? unless there are only 2 to 3 cars...
yes better to ignore it, honking wont kill anyone
Just ignore it.. It happends in many many countries..
have you thought that it might not be you, whose the driver honking with? coz observing the traffic here, i think even those cars in far side of the que honks for the guy's driving the car in the first que, that's how is it here i guess.
mostly it's the first vehicle in line are being honk with even they're in 7th, 8th or nth in line, they just want to inform the first to move fast, but sad to say if you're in front of these guys you'll be receiving the honking not the driver in first.
better ignore them. ^_^
irritable honk syndrome...thats funny!
i used to tell myself that he/she needs the loo URGENTLY... he's honking or flashing bcz him going to the loo will be a matter or life or death... but then again i got fed up so i say f*ck u!!! hahaha!
he probably needs to go to the loo or maybe he suffers from irritable honk syndrome
ashwindoke ;) ;)
lol MAldinii
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
i hate this, specially in the traffic signal and the light just truned green and ur car i like 5th or 6th in the que! its like cars have wings to fly, or its like cars are programmed to move the second traffic light turns green!!
abt switching lanes without using the signal... its so common here, as if theyre gonna be fined if they use their signals! or as if hard labor is need to ouch those silly buttons. how s2pid those people are!
i experienced the same happygolucky, he honked at me, i switched lanes and drove the same speed as him and honked back and turned my face
as they say.... what to do y3ani!
////3ai kalam///
Honking is not the only disturbing thing here even changing lanes without proper indicators on is a big problem which causes a lot of accidents and confusion.
Have heard that a certain society in Qatar who drives without Honking, and the pleasure of driving is incomplete. Its an imported culture.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm....the way he honked if it was me in the car in front of him may be I would have come out of the car thinking that either he brushed me or needs some help or may be he wants to tell me that rear of my car just fell off...
One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest
Impatience or hurry...
only then one might feel, time for the 7th vehicle to start seems long.... really long....
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol