JUDGMENT DAY: MAY 21st, 2011

Pretty scary...
What do you think guys...
i don't have much time then...
i don't want to die at may 21.... huhuhuhuhu
Pretty scary...
What do you think guys...
i don't have much time then...
i don't want to die at may 21.... huhuhuhuhu
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Just pray...
death is something we're gonna face one day,any day.so be ready and dont be afraid. u might fall down tommorow morning on the stairs and die. thats life :)
I take great exception to your comments.. Shall we say Pistols at Dawn on the 22nd ?
wow such harsh words..
Bravo mrs.miss
You must be really brainless to be believe and be scared from this sh*t.
Please book me in number 1 spot as a beneficiary of yours. Oh common please share your wealth or blessings to this poor old man. Should I PM my real name and bank account? And/or may be through western union. RSVP. lol
That reminds me I got stuff cooking and the fire alarm doesn't work.... bye bye!
btw Good luck if I don't see you by the 21st around here...
it's almost end of days!
I'm giving off my wealth from tomorrow onwards:)
today is May 15, 2011...................
I was talking about Marvin, the Paranoid Android !
Brit your not referring to Marsvin? it means Guinea pig in Swedish!
I said I was distracted by one, I didn't say I was one ;)
Or should I call you Marvin :o)
Jervis .. If only the people knew ...
Yes Brit, but I was distracted by a manically depressed robot.
Anyone remember "The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe" ?
Yes pilgram.. we can all go the Beach instead on the 21st and enjoy it before it all ends!
Awesome. I've got a big project for work due the next day. I won't bother doing it now. :P
No Rizks she asked if dogs swim as in your avatar picture.
Moths around flames get burnt, better stay away from Flames!
nice beautiful picture of you Suri...
Suri is that really you in the picture?
and you could have replied her, NO you dont know swiming but Rizks is an expert swimmer....:(
Moths around a flame
No Rizks don't take it personal.. She just asked above? do you swim?
End of the world? My world has already ended. From the day I joined my current employer.
Grrr...you both are ruinning my happines...:(
Rizks I got the same sms from someone with the same name! Is she two timing us?
If I promise not to interfere, can I come along too ?
Got a SMS from Suri....
We are going to Aqua Park on 22nd May.
Sorry britey next time buddy ! :(
ya it's 2012 not 2011...
everyone still have one year more to go to repent and share its wealth to the poor like me:)
Just got a PM from Rizks..
He offereed to buy me Karak Chai and Sambosas on 22nd May :O(
21st May 2012
for those who do not believe in the day of judgement try to imagine that there is such a day where every thing you did in your will be in book which you will be given at that day.
Those who are good to their parents and friends and people will go to heaven, and those who did wrong things will be punished and then might go to heaven or hell.
For those who are interested to know can go to my link and search for day of judgement.
Oh really.. I would like a short vacation 2 Ibiza b4 22nd.
don't be afraid....go to corniche and take a deep breath
you will feel better.
yes, i am a christian. i just dont believe it suri. in my own opinion, i guess we'll be all gone before we know it.
tj_mowa, what do you believe in the end of days???
are you christian?
Just cant wait for that..:)
MB and what great will ur milkybar do ? :(
Will it save suri or anyone on a Judgement Day ?
dont worry suri.. you wont. maybe on the 22nd. hahaha! just kiddin'.. i dont think it's gonna happen... ;)
ok Suri makes sure you get a Milky Bar off me before the 21st after all, the Milky Bars are on me!
its saturday. i hope we all die in our sleep :)
suri, I am Harmless....:(
by the way, u cant TRUST tat Judgement Day then....:(
dogs do swim? hahahahah, just a joke rizks..
simply i don't trust u.
Suri why not lets meet up at Aqua Park before the Judgement Day ? Hu Hu HU....:(