A Joyful Meeting

A young woman who lay dying sought to console her father who was overcome with grief. "Dad," she said, "don't be so broken up. If I had received an offer of marriage from someone who was all you could desire for me, and whose station in life was far superior to mine, but who wanted to take me to live in a remote part of the world, don't you think you could have borne the separation, knowing all the advantages it would bring to me? But I am now being promoted to a situation incomparably beyond anything that could have happened to me in this world. Then why this reluctance to let me go? Our next meeting will be in far more wonderful circumstances, joyful, and everlasting."
A man called the government office where I work and requested an estimate of his benefits upon retirement. After I gave him the information, he went on to inquire about his wife's benefits. I asked if she had ever worked.
"She has worked all her life making me happy," he replied. That was nice, I commented, but had she ever contributed to a pension plan? "No," he said. "We made an agreement when we got married. I would make the living and she would make the living worthwhile."
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
hey thats a good idea name the place and time
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
My day has just started.Why dont we meet in the afternoon? Will cheer u up :)
Life is too short and if u r not living on the edge then u r taking up too much space.