joke of the week....

get prepared for work tomorrow guys!!!
A bus stops and 2 men get on with really strong accents. They sit down and
have a conversation.
The lady sitting next to them ignores them at first,
but all of a sudden when she hears one of them say the following:
"Emma come first. Den I come. Den two esses acoma together. I
come once-a-more. Two esses, they comma together again. I
come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time."
"You dirty-mouth pigs," yelled the lady
.” In this country . . . we don't speak dirty in
public places about our sex lives. . . "
"Hey, relax lady whats sa-matter for you?," said the man. "Who talkin' abouta
I'm a justa tellin' my frienda how to spell 'Mississippi'."
lol Vivo
a good one :)
spelling woes... singular and plural can be worrying most of the times...
The zoo keeper needed to purchase some new animals, so he started composing a letter: “To whom it may concern, I need two mongeese.”
That doesn’t look right–too bad I don’t have a dictionary, thought the zoo keeper. So he started over: “To whom it may concern, I need two mongooses.”
That doesn’t look right either, he thought.
Finally he got an idea: “To whom it may concern, I need a mongoose. And while you’re at it, make it two.”
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
read it before though it is funny
"Drink Beer Save Water"
read it before though it is funny
"Drink Beer Save Water"
that is so funny, thank you for cheering me up>:D
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Vivo nice trying :P
what about Nile or congo, can it spell like the mississippi way?
Enna must comma first. then i come. Ella comma next then......? ;D (not sexy though)
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
Hahahhahah, pery goot one