Jealous wives wage war on barmaid

Is this taking things too far?
Is the barmaid to blame? I personally don’t think so ! BUT what say you ?
A barmaid has caused a rift in an Italian town where angry wives have launched a petition demanding she be sacked.
The women complain their husbands are all obsessed with Loredana Popesciue, 27 who works in the bar in Cadelbosco Sopra.
They say their goggle-eyed partners are wasting too much of their wages giving the curvaceous blonde big tips every time she serves them drinks.
Miss Popesciue says she was so far had to deal with anonymous tip offs to the taxman, immigration and even Town Hall health and safety inspectors who were called to investigate her showing off her underwear during sexy dancing routines.
"Now I have a petition to deal with. These women are just jealous. I have Brazilian roots and I love to dance. What's wrong with that?" she said.
One person delighted with Miss Popesciue's impact on the town is her boss who has renamed his pub the Lory Pink Bar in her honour.
"I have nothing against these women. But if their husbands wanted to spend time with them, they'd be at home and not in my bar," she added.
If someone looks too ugly the are noticed by everyone with negativity.
If someoen looks too good they are noticed by everyone, but those less attracitve hate on them.
If you are average... no one notices you.
Who wins???
I DO...
because I don't care what anyone thinks or says about me.
Life is so much less stressful this way. ; )
wow, it's like the italian movie malena. the ugly old hags are jealous of the only pretty woman in town?
lol FS :0)
only if you can handle those jealous wives..:)
So FS it is not a good idea to be a barmaid then?
is tat grey hairs MBK ?
i hav heard he has a cultivated head now...:)
Rizks its the white one...:) grey hair is another
Lol britey...
You misunderstood. Rizks was not parting with any money. He was giving her "tips" on caring for her wig.
now which one is the bar maid ? the one with grey hairs or the one wearing the white dress ? :(
HGL Thats fine then you can do a credit tranfer.. I was just trying to save you QR0.50..:)
Why must they be Hala Cards ?
UK... thats an insult to me ... I am carrying an IPhone ...:)
UK... so far it is alongwith, I wouldnt mind...:)
O yeah HGL, dont forget to take some Hala cards when you go there tonight!
Flip in ell HGL.. may you also be burnt along with the witches..:)
Rizks... hell NO...comeon man...:)
TB... you can wish me luck...:)
HGL can i join you ? :(
I likes Cubes, they are very cold.
TB/ planning to go to Qube today after long time...dont want anything go wrong...:)
hajmola... one would be accompanying me to Qube tonight...U can see how nervous I am...:)
HGL you are on fire today ! is it because its Thursday today?
HGL you hit the nail on its head mate.. yes cant stop laughing my lungs out..:)
UK...dont say that man...Qube will go empty tonight...:)
I say burn the witch..:)
jjj75...oh comeone, face is just a small hurdle after a while it doesnt really matter when the gaze moves past it...:)
BTW got any links with her clear pic as the one I posted isnt very clear...
HGL - nah, whats to be jealous of - now if she had looked like kim kardashian, angelina jolie etc and we were posting the same comments, you would have a valid point but as it is, I recommend you have a look at the picuture
Ah a not so good face is just a small hurdle to the interest in her, generally men are over and out of that within 8 secs.......I also agree with brit's post of 10:03 am...:)
darude - how can I do that - send me the link
wow! she is all grown up
ok look at her from 360 angle :D
they shud find the gal a boy friend... :)
Some are reluctantly agreeing to the fact Brit. Poor women. they can only blame nature..
BE - have you seen her - I did previously comment that it could be a bad angle but if that picture is all we have to go on...
Do I detect a bit of jealousy by some of the ladies on QL :O)
I think the barmaid deserves to be sued as she is not allowing the men to touch her. That is what is the housewives' worry that their husbands are going after them in beds despite paying heavily to the barmaid!
haha...i was just imagining that
DaRude - you serious she looks like someone set fire to her face and put it out with a frying pan!
she is such a cutie pie :Ddont you girls be jealous now huh
@rizks d u have any experience wit barmaids or milkmaids LOL
agree with tinkerbell...if they fire the barmaid,we'll go after the milkmaid!
When u tie a man up,the more he'll seek for freedom. If these husbands are really happy in their marriage lives then going to a bar spending too much won't be the case. Obviously,these men are seeking for something not available at home and in this case they'll do anything to be entertained. I'm not in favor to this but the more you hold them back from doing what they want will just make them more agressive.
Every person will have a waking up day and i hope it won't be too late then and they'll finally realize what really matter in their lives.
the husbands sound like dimwits to me
Well Brit, my husband and I are both on allowances, as finances are tight with the upcoming bundle of joy. We don't object or make a fuss, it's just what needs to be done, so I don't see why these wives or husbands should object to being put on an allowance.
I can kinda make out both sides - I think the writer of the article has slanted it in favour of 'poor hapless husbands and their harpey wives'
on the flip side, if a family has not got much spare money and their husbands are spending it in the bar, it is easier to get rid of the barmaid than to try to persuade the husband's not to go.
in this case,beauty is the eyes of the 'beer-holder' :)
BE - were you trying to say je ne sais quoi ??
The barmaid is completely right here. I suppose these wives have no guts to deal with their men and instead try to pick on the barmaid and blame her for their own downfalls. What they don't get is even if this woman was to be removed then their "faithful" husbands will just find someone else to shower all their time and money on!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :O)Anyway, barmaids seem to have a certain something about them - why is that ?
I wonder how the ladies would feel if they were given an allowance...The simple fact is that there has to be trust and faith between the two parties.
Did you see the picture of her, unless that is taken at an unflattering angle she is no looker!!
the signora bella will do any thing and every thing to entertain her clients.If one goes she will quickly replace him with another one, what different does it make for her if they are married or not. Its a her business and I guess she is good at it..:)
i ll not give my ATM card to anyone ;)
you are right princesssarah
Taking ATM/Cash will just make more thrill..If people really wanna do something they will always find ways and we will have no idea how far they can go.
I don't think putting them on an allowance would cause as much disharmony as the situation they are currentely in. This is simply one of the situations in a marriage where the couple has to compromise.
Rizks Yes we know you were not the victim you were his personal adviser..:)Anyway back to the topic.
i dont know UKENg ! :(
i wasnt the victim....:)
I once tried to keep with me all his cards and I personally can't stand the situation. I gave it back to him after a couple of husband is a home buddy and would rather watch basketball than go to a bar (and mall for shopping). the latter saddens me a lot. :((
Rizks is that why Pajju started borrowing moneys from his fellow Qlers?
Ok Britexpat another suggestions would be that the men to take their wives with them to the bar?
if the wives takes the ATM and cash from their hubby's, they will start borrowing money from their friends relatives etc and hit the bars...tatz even worse....:(
you sure of that? (i'm afraid I can't believe you agreed with me!) LMAO!
Firstly welcome back :O)I don't think what you say is workable. It would cause more disharmony in the relationship - wouldn't it ?
britexpat.. I guess as above suggested by bubblymom, the wives should take the husbands ATM and cash. So if don't have any cash to spend in the bar they will be at home watching the telly on the couch rather than the bouncy bits of this signora bella..:)
That's why I said the wives should put them on an allowance Brit. Not sue the barmaid, that's silly.
I totally agree with the bar owner..:)
The problem seems to be that they're spending too much money at the bar ..
Pilgram..Thanks for your kind support for us married men, we can only look not touch.:( Now when you was in Doha could not keep my eyes off you..:) lol
UK ahhh bod the builderumm what was that "ahhh" for tinker ummm bob builder hmmm
Let the men have their fun. All they're doing is looking after all, it's harmless. The wives should just give them an allowance so they don't spend so much money. Why does this whole situation remind me of an episode of "Married with Children?"
Brit its not the barmaid but those bumpy bits..:)
i agree with the bar owner
I dont think she need to be blamed... if not she..they will go spend time and money on someone else....
Its those wives fault that they dunno how to keep the husbands around them!!
Its not the flowers mistake that the bees are around it!!
this is strange i m with the barmaid :)
lol BM...
Rizks...just a glimpse of porcupine for you...:)
This is not just about jealousy of wives. But I'd rather took my husband's ATM/Credit card/Cash than sue the lady. Rizks, don't get too excited please. :))
The owner has a point.
any pics of Loredana Porcupine ? :(