It's official: Women are worse drivers
It is official. Scientists have discovered that women drivers are more dangerous behind the wheel.
A University of Michigan study found that female drivers get in more accidents despite driving less often than men do.
Researchers looked at 6.5million car crashes and found a higher than expected number of accidents between two female drivers.
They also discovered that women have a tough time negotiating crossroads, T-junctions and slip roads.
The results are even more surprising given that men spend more time behind the wheel than women. On average, men drive 60 per cent of the time, and women 40 per cent.
The scientists also found that women were more likely than men to crash at a junction - their cars are often hit on the left-hand side when trying to make a right-hand turn, and vice versa.
He said: There are three dominant driver-related factors, including the probability of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, one's own driving skills and the driving skills of the other driver involved.
"Researchers looked at 6.5million car crashes and found a higher than expected number of accidents between two female drivers"'s obvious what needs to be done. We need to find those two female drivers and revoke their license!!
i cant agree with that...some of them are like that, but in my opinion they are the best drivers......
Thats right !!!
I drive my wife drives me!
I gotcha Good old joe I remember your comments on ...
And yeah! all the time on roads who is in a hurry...flashing, beeping, bumping, over speeding, cuts and dodges all are in whose blood??
We didnt need a study to tell us that.
Only a man could have posted this topic! I will show you how to drive anytime if you like - because all you will be doing if trying to drive like me is EAT MY DUST!
women are better in other things
No problem, men are here to hire chauffeurs ;)
I don't know what they and he want to prove.
Its an old crap and nothing else.
Women are worse at parking too. They have poorer spatial judgement. It's scientifically proven infact (by a woman) -
I went to check your findings on the "Women drivers' institute" website, bit it had crashed :O(