It's my BirThDaY!!

By qatari-princess •
Hey guys, it's my birthday next monday, beautiful 26th November, I'm going to be sweet sixteen (16), finally!
Except next week is my final quizes week and i'm so depressed..i have to even!!!?
can this day not be mine?
why is this happening??
it's my birthday for heavan's sake!
cheer me up...i'm all down!!!
Happy birthday birthday gal
[img_assist|nid=51645|title=Happy Birthday|desc=Happy Birthday QP|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
today's ma birthday...wooooooooooooo good for me,,,i'm finally 16, sweeeeeeet 16 that is!!!!?
happy birthday qatari princess...wish u more bdays to come and good luck in ur quiz
happy birthday qatari princess
I think what amnesia meant is that when we are born we are then in our first year, so after your 16th birthday you will then be into your 17th year (if you see what I mean)
For myself, I have always been 16. It's my favourite number!
Have a super birthday, sweet sixteen :D
وكل عام وانت بألف خير :-)
thanks guys...i think i'm feeling better all ready!!
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Talha (1988-20??)
Qatar Football group
Life is like that
exactly life's too short to waste it on trivial things you only live once so make the best out of it and don't waste it.
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Prncess
Happy Birthday To You
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
happy birthday qatari-princess... and good luck to your study as well... make your parents proud ok!
Bappy Hirthday to u...well well in advance. :)
happy vibrant get a long way to enjoy life missy...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Joyeux anniverssaire ( in French)
عيد ميلاد سعيد ( in Arabic)
Happy birthday ( in English)
gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag ( in Dutch)
janamdin mubarak ho ( in Hindi)
selamat ulang tahun ( in Indonisian)
buon compleanno ( in Italian)
o tanjôbi omedetô ( in Japanese)
selamat hari jadi (in Malay)
feliz aniversário ( in Portuguese)
Best Wishes :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Frog thats gr8 post... i like in hindi english and arabic coz its easy for me..
Well remember that your birthday will last the whole days..the quiz/test is only a few hours.. so work hard for quiz and party hard afterwards
Of course i will, (inshaalah) thanks diamondgirl, sweet 16 is a great number!
Amnesia, actually you start counting your birthday from the time you were BORN!!! That's why it's called 'BIRTHday'lol...
So qatari-princess you are sixteen. don't rush it...sixteen is a good number!
Eid milad sayeeda habibti :)
Make sure you celebrate in style after your exams...
Love is the answer...'s not fair!!
don't think so, cause in grade 11, at my school, we get to choose what to study and what to skip, i skipped biology, so I guess that's it. Infact, my school is quite strict, so practically there's no turing back, it's simply the way it is!..
thanx qatari-princess i'm gonna need it. Don't rush you still have a few more years to decide.
Someday, just someday, I'm going to Harvard!!!
hi hi hi...
bet ya!
'charge you'?! charge me for what?
I'm not surprised Boo, and wow ur studying medicine, I neve knew that!
I've always wanted to be a doctor, but what the heck i might do engineer or business, and good luck!
qatari-princess, different ppl give importance to different things, my points could be my Emmys.
R you sure you can do it in one of these days?? ahan great hmm and what if you didnt in one of these days then :D should i charge you hmm say next thursday :P
yup balance is defenitly crucial especially when you're doing medicine but i know that getting good grades will get me the future i want that's why i'm putting up with the crap i get because of it.
oh please,, it's not as if ur winning the Emmys or sth!!
one of these days, DaRuDe, one of these days...:P
and Boo, one more thing, don't u think that life's too short so we need to gain some balance.. or r u too still and only, i repeat only up for studying and getting good grades for the rest of ur life!!
Congrats so when are you catching me on points :D
Thanks DaRude..Boo, what's with the points?
Happy Birthday Birthday Girl.
woohooo 200 points...well 201 now...even better!!
exactly life's too short to waste it on trivial things you only live once so make the best out of it and don't waste it.
guys..books are depends on if u want to graduate with straight A's , i know i do!
Besides.. life's too short to live the same day twice!!!
fear it...embrace it!!
if he/she is too lazy to study then they're throwing away their own future. They should understand the magnitude of what they're doing.
i can't they're everywhere!! aaah they're looking at me!!
it doesn't really get harder it just gets challenging depending on where you wanna go.
Fight those urges Booo! Don't let the books turn u into a monster! Fight it I tell u FIGHT IT!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
ur rite that she / he must study but what if he/she got no interest and finds very lazy to study...
any advice/ ideas...
Thanks Cornellian!, it's good to have u in my side..
if i'm going down everyone's going down with me!! mwaahaahaaa
so qatari-princess whats ur answer??? r u ready lol...
Oh Booo ur so evil, just because we have to suffer from studying doesn't mean u have to drag EVERYONE down with us. Poor thing let her enjoy her birthday cause the more years pass by the harder it gets :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Corne...i second go study cos it's the key to you're future there are more birthdays to come...oh and Happy 16th enjoy you're quizes :P
yes Cornellian i don't, lucky i guess, and thanks MAANI, i'm not surprised!
I bet u don't have a fraction of the studying we have to go through! So be happy about that! :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
I agree with TCom
will wish you on 26th instant... its too early now
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
Happy birthday qatari-princess..Many Many happy return of the day... if u wanna to celebrate this day with me then i am ready lolzzz..
thought so, and i will be good novita77!
as amnesia told..its technically...he got smart brain..;)
and in general its not counted
qatari-princess ... happy birthday ... And be good ... :D
...and thanks Muhammed12..
Dhanyabad in Nepali
vielen Dank in German lol
"Drink Beer Save Water"
it's sixteen really, but doesn't the 9 months count???
I am 16 going on 17
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
..(merci, in french).
..( Shukran, in arabic)....
..( gracious, in spanish)..
.(Thanks, in english).......
Between 16 and seventeen.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
16 or 17? what's the truthhhhhhhhhhhhh????? lol!
Happy birthday Qatari princess
"Drink Beer Save Water"
may you have many many more to come.
That is even better, so i'm techniquelly 17, way to go..
and thanks u guys!!!
Happy Birthday. Technically you're 17 :p because it takes around 9months to a year for you to grow inside your mother's stomach anyway :P
heheheh princess
thats life cheer up
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone