buddies,...i get confuse in this new look of QL...i dont know why the MY INBOX caption isnt appearing in here.... I dont know if i have msgs....,,,what i do is to click one my my buddy list and send msg to them and after sending..the inbox is retrieve.. but if i go to HOME...again MY INBOX isnt there... its only MY ACCOUNT,MY FRIENDS...and soon..... i dont feel good with this style.
guys i found it.. thanks... it doesnt pop up.. i just try to point the cursor any part on that area..and i got it. thanks.
guys, its only the welcome greeting and the number of points seen there, upmost right side..beside the i right? thats all appears here..
The Inbox link is on top right of the page.
Right below your greeting and number of points you've on QL.
In any case, you could great a shortcut link or a bookmark to this address for a quick lookup each time :
Also whenever you receiver a new PM, you will receive an alert on top of every page you browse on QL.
1800 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Don't look after it in the My Menu List .. u will not find it ..
look up there in the very top banner ... on the right hand side (in the red region) u will read "Your Inbox(0)" if u clicked on that it will take u to ur inbox ... the number between brackets showing u how many new msgs in ur inbox ..
hope that u find it easy