It's His Fault © Amanda Gray

It's His Fault
© Amanda Gray
Why do you beat yourself up
because you had the courage to love
gave all of yourself in hopes that he was the one
Why do you beat yourself up
When it was his choice to be unfaithful
His choice to hurt you
Why do you beat yourself up
Knowing that you had done everything for him
supported him, comforted him,
loved him more than you loved yourself
Why after his lies and deceit
do you still love him? and want him to love you
Why after the repeat of hurt and trust being lost
do you think that he deserves a love as pure as yours
Why do you beat yourself up
over what you could have done better
when you know deep down there was nothing
What makes you search for answers as to why
when they will not change the past
Nor mend your broken heart
Why when a man decides to cheat do we blame ourselves?
why does it make us question every little detail about who we are
Make us think that we are not worthy of love
Why when a man cheats do we still long for him to change
Realize how wrong he was, and fall in love with us again
Why do you beat yourself up
When you deserve more
When all that you have done is loved someone completely
Give yourself time and the pain will subside
and the mourning will cease
You will see that you are still you
Still wonderful, beautiful you
Nothing has changed except your experience in love
And your determination to share love with another
As you can never truly love someone until you learn to love yourself
Poem Source: It's His Fault, Cheating Poems
there may be a surprise twist to all this. who knows.
Let's hope for the best.. Would have liked to see Fergie buy a strong midfielder and a wing man..
I couldn't take it if Chelski won it again this year :O(
Ilusyunada ur signature pic is too long ? :(
scholes has been asked to postpone his retirement :(. Maybe Fergie wants him to retire along with him.
i dont need ur negative comment just simple as like that and if ur happy with ur life then y u care to bother and reply with this kind of topic?? why r u so curious reading whats next on the thread????? what are u up to???? if it clearly that u dont like my post??????? where is the logic there????? anyway Have a Goodday to eveyone and for my followers ur just one of the haters that i know u.......
S - Beats talking mush ;o)
Brit - there are a lot of talented youngsters in the background just waiting for old man Scholes to retire ;o)
has this become a footy discussion topic?
Must be for all those supporters who feel down and out.
I know that, but I'm worried that Chelski could be too far ahead by then. Also, the middle is still a worry for United..
I've got a life, and I'm quite happy with it. That's why I don't pester other folk with shyte like cheating poems.
seems like everyones in the holiday mood. somehow trying to finish off their duty hours....
..........=) GEt a life also.....its better to mind your own post and dont comment if you find this post annoying=) nobody force u=) just wondering why ur reading my post hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm got a feeling that i know u from somewhere old lady that i know!!!!
Brit, early doors yet. Don't forget, United don't even start playing till Xmas :P
BTW Ilusyunada, you need to read the QL rules:
#15: please don’t post any copyright material to Qatar Living
You acknowledge it's copyright material by even copying the original "©"
Well, it looks like Chelski will take the title again :O(
Oryx, you can say that again. I sat through 90 minutes of the most boring match ever.
The only thing that is more boring is a shyte post like this!
ha ha ha pikey.....
then you better stay away from THAT nationality.
1.they have a husband here or back home
2. they have a husband here after leaving the one back home
3. they have a boyfriend here or backhome.
4. they found a new boyfriend. so theyr leaving the old one.....
Aye Aye s_isale, you missing me. I am staying away well away from the following women.
1. Women who have husband either here or back home.
2. Women who have boyfirends here or back home.
Gonna doa through check this time round.
No more married women for me especially those ones who have secret husbands here.
Damn it so complicated!!!!
That was a disappointing score last night :(
Get a life.
everything would be ok ilusyunada,I may never experienced being cheated by someone (well,I'm not married)..but i'm also in agony maybe not becoz of a cheating husband but bcoz of people around me who never understands and keep on stabbing on my back..God knows,how much u suffered,God knows how much we wish that things will be ok..
He is watching you.He's listening..He's there for u..:)
No it's her fault by Whyteknight
May she be cursed to living a lonely and dejected life...
thanks i think ill better to send the other woman who steals others heart ................
Where's Pikey
Yep brit you fix her up and then send her to me....oh wait i'm married now :( Grrrr!
Send her to me.. I'll help her through the pain ...
She is so lost right now and I want to help. It hurts me a lot to see her doubt herself because of a man. Not believing in herself anymore because he cheated on her. I hate that men can have the power to not only hurt you but make you blame yourself for their wrong doings.