Its a Bad Day-I had an accident,need Info

Friends pray for me........I met an accident this morning, I was driving straight, a karwa taxi suddenly taken left turn to go to a way leading to left, I put the break but since it was a sudden left turn by taxi my car hit the rear of karwa taxi, my right hand front head light got broken and the bonnet got dammaged from the right. the karwa driver didn't put the break and taken it the car crossing road n hit a Q-tel feeder pillar and damaged it. I call the police and since they found my car hit the karwa taxi from behind, inspite of it that karwa driver has taken sudden left , they noted my mistake. My car is a rented car hired by my company and hope, its fully inssured. What My worry is who will be blamed and charged for Q-tel feeder pillar damage. Any suggestion and information in this regards is welcome.
are a fact of life in Qatar.
It's not "if" I have an accident it's "when" I have an accident.
Glad you are OK.
Oryx - Why didn't you go over to the bloody taxi driver & slap him very hard :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
So Sorry to hear this....
The time I have cursed down Al Sadd because the damm
taxis just S T O P on Al Sadd to pick up a fare..and don't pull over...
Really it has been 'almost me' loads of times....
Poor you
as I am sure he spends most of his time hanging upside down, don't you, "batman"
take care Lady L. :)
Dracula!!!!!! hehehe i was able to read it but im sitting in th office.. LOl hope i dont have an accident on the way home!
the law is 2 seconds distance between you and the car in front. However in some cases it really is their fault but there is no solution.
My friend had this happen to him and sadly they blamed him.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Its only a car so don't worry.
If its fully insured you will have to pay nothing except the excess which should'nt be much anyway.
As for praying....its too late, you've already had the accident. Anyway, praying does'nt help anything.
Just eat another pie
LoL DaRuDe bhai he needs prayers man ......Not scare him to death ....LOL
thats bad.
sorry for that ubt next time hit stronger be bold
Do I need to pay for the feeder pillar damage. or will it be covered by inssurence company. and if yes what wud be the charges. I had plan to go home on 21st of august to bring my wife here. I book the ticket too. I dont know whether I wud be going home or not. pray for me. its first accident considering my mistake in my life.
You will have to pay excess clause only which is about QR 1000 in most rental car cases. Rest will be covered by the insurence of the Car rental Co.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Sorry about that Shaan. I think you'll be liable, not sure. :(
"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie
Normally car rentals are insured. All you need to do is go to the police, get the report, pay QR100 and then pay the excess to your car rental company. It should be anything between QR1200 to QR2000.
considered your or your insurance has to pay the expenses for any damage to the car or any other assets due to this accident...
there is safe distance rule..which allow you to avoid these kind of accidents..happy that you are ok...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.