It's all about the Split Second!

Good Morning boys and girls...
Just wanted to share a quick but a very interesting experience...
Dont know how many of you would realize this though...
Its like this...
Last night I was on the way to Al Khor...and at a particular Roundabout, I was coming into...The scene was like this:
There was a Car already in the R'bout which was turning from my right side to the Left exit...I was waiting to enter into the r'bout and I was watching the car pass infront of me and I'd already noticed there was another Car behind which was coming in towards my direction...while I was watching the car infront of me from My left--------->right ... I realized how quickly the instincts of driving SET IN, and I realize that ooops I'd to brake cos there was a BUS infront of the other car...and then I'd realized something for the first time...
Driving is all about INSTINCTS...Its a MIND-Game...things can change in a FLASH!!! more Like a SPLIT-Second!!!
It was terrifying for a moment to see how quickly can things around you CHANGE and how soon your mind works inorder to accomodate the CHANGE!!!
Have you ever REALIZED THIS what I call the "Split-Second" Syndrome... ???
Trust me, its an interesting talk and not a dont you dare step in and talk crap boys...Ohhhh You know I'm talking about a FEW of You out there... :P
So apart from that, morning and hows everyone doing...good to be here on a Tuesday Morning..........NOT!
Don’t be anxious about tomorrow, Let tomorrow be anxious of itself....JC
KSarat...Good nothing happened to your (BMW)Bavaria Motor Works car...:)
Once you're prim and proper in learning how to drive, the reflexes will follow automatically.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Ok, I'm a wee bit late....
WHERE have you been?
Options are endless... it's like silly putty
LoL UkEng ......
Now you guys calm down.. That exactly what Kasarat was talking about Split.....
Rizk I think you pointed out that it can be split if you dont concentrate and Sameal yes it could be a bikini or it could be it could be retractable roof of the Pink Kia
7777 points.. not too far behind now
Hehe... shot putter maybe?
LoL Samael....
It looks like someone bikini is being pulled out...:)
Generally, situations like this arise when we keep our vision concentrated on the 4 to 5 meters ahead of us. This reduces our time to react and we act instintively. The best is to look as far up the road as possible. This shall give you ample time to react to any situation and you shall see that the frequency of emergency breaking shall reduce significantly.
Brits emergency break
he just has to be careful not to drive with a tail wind
emergency car skid due to speed @60kmph and kissed slightly the small nissan.
I have also deployed the "emergency brakes" a few times when approaching roundabouts at light speed and then discovering that the ceramic brake pads on my Pink KIA are not biting and the air brake is having no serious effect..
Really scary!
recently AI pilot saved life of over 150 people by using similarly instinct by applying emergency brakes when military helicopter landed just 50 meters in front of flight runaway.....carrying president office staff and guards.
I agree with you.. The six second rule aplies to my Pink KIA also. It takes that long from pressing the accelerator to response from the engine.. Gives me plenty of time to change my mind.
split seconds from green to the guy who will horn at your back.
Quality dude! Quality!
It's called situational awareness. You should be driving about six seconds ahead of your present position.
Thank God after all tat attacks ur still Safe n Alive....:)
U think driving is hard in Doha???? U shud drive in Bangalore, India... Everyday I almost get a heart attack!!!
Morning people! Wassup?
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Love also happens in split And as they say 'Everything is fair in love and driving'
Ohhh, well, now I realise, love is an accident tooo!!!
Enough fundas for morning....
Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.
Hmmm sounds absolutely FANTASTIC...
Zara ek Dumdar Dum Biryani and a good DVD...can be at my house problem...a few of us...
forget Friday Paaji, but now at the moment, Bhoook Bhook Bhook!!! Kuch Karo Paaji Kuch Karo... where is Khanan and FS... did they go to HOG Breakfast
andrew.. you mean the onez used AT WAR ! yeah... they won't over-turn ! .. i guess then 'hummer' came up with the same thought in mind... gr8 minds think alike ...
sure lets make some plan for next Friday at my home ;-)
You win the ninja reflex driving award
what matter is you drive intelligently!!!!! Anticipate possible movements of other cars and drive defensively (unless you are not on the wheels!!!). lol!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Sarat tht's y u need to get some driving lessons from Darude or myself :P
Then u wouldnt b so terrified of Round-a-bouts or THE FAST LANE :P
Parizh...what RP meant is a TANK..not oil tanker..
" Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated"
....G.B. Shaw
that's how the accidents happen... in split-second…
..because one was overspeeding, other one was talking on the mobile, the third one is as slow in his reaction as my little turtle, the fourth one is just completely careless and shouldn’t be given a driver license whatsoever…
Driving in Doha is every-second-surviving… My friend told me once: just try to keep in my mind that all drivers around are idiots, and you cannot trust anyone, and act accordingly as if you deal with the idiots… …they have no idea about politeness…showing off is amusement for them… jumping in front of you, cutting off, squeezing between two cars are signs of strength, bravery and courage… silly people...
Driving in Doha is a good experience and excellent test of your reaction skills..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
teaching the wrong lessons to your child ey...thank god you are still teaching them Rabbit lessons and not the lessons of a Cheetah... LOL!
Pra what you doing...I'm feeling hungry...!!! Kuch Biryani Milegi...?
it's the people who face this situation with me everyday ;-)
Coz I have learn that driving like turtle will push you on the corner only so better run like rabbit .. lol
Thanks for the info that is real great.. If one reads and follows. I think people follow other peoples bad habbits. Like overtaking and changing lanes without signalling. I guess I am also becoming one of them. But I dare do that back in the UK, I am sure that if I did I surely would be honked at.
If all you wrote above, one follows then should be a matter of more than a split second. But then you are not the only one on the road. so to cater for the fast driving chimps who have no respect for themselves or others i guess you have to be prepared and be ready..
Last year I witness a land cruiser flip six times in the desert and one person was airborne about 50 feet.
Do you think that I stop to help?
No I did not.
If people in Doha are ignorant in how they drive by risking others drivers lives, Let it be then! I got a cold heart for them too.
When I drive back every Friday morning from the industrial area, you get to watch those who did not survive the night, with those cars destroy in the side of the road. Nothing is new too me. I witness a semi flip over in a round about because he was driving really fast and could not negotiate the roundabout.
Yet, I had my close calls almost everyday; someone is always in a rush zigzagging between lanes.
UK...didnt get what you meant...hmmmm am I still watching, o you talking about FB...LOL! Well the waiting and watching shall continue my friend...
FS...well hello there honey...hows you doing...I know...very quick reactions... and you are welcome FS...
Khanan...hello darling are u... I know we face such a situation everyday, nautanki muth karo subah subah... I meant do you get that feeling of shock when u realize that your world can change in a SPLIT SECOND!
Speed paaaji...darling how you doing...I'm sure you also face that...but again a simple question how fast you would react to a situation that could change your world in a SPLIT SECOND, that shock, that fear of change so quickly is terrifying isn't it...
DaRude...and you azz...stay out of this...otherwise you are going down the wheels of Khanan's new 4WD!!! LOL Paaji DaruLing how you honey?
i guess most of those things and not followed by many, coz they thing " Nothing is impossible for them"...:)
Red-pope... didn't u see the newspapers .. this week i guess or last... the oil tanker over-turned !
nuffin' is safe ...
Kasarat are you still watching Brov? U know what I mean?
Follow the basic rules of driving, when is possible.
1-Keep the distance between cars, when is possible?
2- Suit the flow of the traffic, when is possible?
3- Watch your speed always, when is possible?
4- Use your turn signals always, when is possible.
5- Keep your eyes on the road, when is possible?
6- Use your mirrors, watch your blind spot when changing lanes, when is possible.
7- Watch the weather conditions and drive accordingly, when is possible.
8- Ascertain the route and familiarized yourself with the roads, exits lights, or nay type of hazards, When is possible.
9- Always use your seat belts when is possible.
10- Buy yourself a tank and everything will be possible in the roads.
Oh ... that'z y i love driving ... the moment u jump on the driving seat and hit the road ... you are on a 'Mission'... you must be a good decision maker & a gr8 problem solver ... becoz that'z what u r doing all the way ... till you reach ur destination...
and we have such clever driverz here... the other day when we were at the giant stores and were trying to get out of the parking ... although the lane was jam-packed a little ahead .. but the clever drivers behind us won't give us way to get our car out .. though they knew they wud be blocking the traffic more ... an intelligent Qatari guy had to block the car of the person behind us ... to make him understand... everyone just wants to rush ... as if there is no tomorrow ...
Goodmorning to all my dear Qlers... Khanan...Da..
Mj...speed...NFH:)oops i forgot someone...morning Rizks..
Have a great day..
Da can you teach me how to drive in 140 kms in a 80 km rd? lol
Good morning dear are you?
You are absolutely’s the presence of mind and spontaneous action which is required.....when accident happens we often hear... I didn’t see that car…..for a Split second their attention is diverted...and that’s it!
Btw thanks for lettin me drive your BMW! it was really awesome!
and hope that you react in split seconds...
thats reflex action...and as speed said we experience this feeling every day on way to office...
and greeting to all the QLers..
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
ahh so many cars, and so many left rights in tat para...:)
I thought u gonna mention something about the SPIT FINE- WARNING....:)
Anywayz Good morning Ksarat and Friends....!!
sorry i didnt greet him too
Ksa hi _|_
Oops Da, Ksa said no talking cr*p
you better get back in driving school to learn how to drive properly.
that's probably our driver as i dont drive.. :P
but i do see what ksa experienced everyday, people changing directions in a split second, one minute they wanna go left and the next thing you know, they're turning right and they think they're being funny...:/
,,, I think your driver is from Pakistan ;-)
lol i dont drive, we have company driver who picks me up every morning and he drives me crazy the way he's driving i always have to hold on to my seat.. :P
it's tuesday again woooo-hooooo!!!!!!!!
Oh mj, so that's you behind me, honking one millisecond after the light changes? :-p
Morning ksarat
to work ;-)
Andrews...hmmm Reflex Action...damn thats fast ey...
MJ...ello darling hows you doing this morning and hows your little ones...well speaking of that, truly said girl...and funny too... LOL! So you drive a lot ey...?
it takes them split second to change their mind about where they're going and it usually takes them about forever to respond when the lights turn to green... :/
That is called...Reflex Action...