Its All About Religion

Support Israel enjoys from west is religiously motivated. Christians will never acknowledge it openly, but they consider state of Israel as a sign from their Lord Jesus. Its his Kingdom which he is coming to rule and kill everyone else on face of earth. It also gives them a reason to beleive in christianity that Israel has been established.
wk i have heard there was no law against incest until the time of Moses....
or it was allowed until necessary(As a few say that)
...or the human instinct globally changed either by devine source or by evolving civilizations
...or it resulted in complications with new definitions
hapy ofcourse there are religiously motivated people in the west, east, north, south everywhere. That's why such a huge mess. Everyone should keep killing to prove who is more peaceful. All the Gods of all the religions must be so pleased.
Reporter: Any comments about Israel
Helen Thomas: Tell them to get the hell out of there. They are occupiers, its not Poland and Germany
Reporyer: Where should they go
Helen Thomas: they shud go to Poland and Germany and to america
Bill Orielly: apparently Ms Thomas has never read the bible
So the west may give a lot of lip service to being secular, they are as religiously motivtaed as some of the jehadi nutjobs.
Actually all religions are peaceful and teach about peace, the only argument is who teaches peace in the best way so the followers are killing each other arguing over who is more peaceful. What a beautiful world.
We all come from Adam & Eve????
So that means we are the resultant of an incestous relationship?????
Wow what crazy beliefs and yes it IS all about religion, the biggest cause of trouble in the world.
Totally agree with you.... Mr Jaber has obviously never been to this part of the world!
Don't be sorry OLive, we all have different views and perspective in life... I respect your belief... all that counts is a good heart.
I am not sure what the original post is about, but the title is absolutely correct..
It IS All About Religion..
If not religion, the planet Earth would be so much better and much more peaceful...
Imagine that you are Christian and live between Zionists ,so you will receive such treatment..
Not a martian, but I am an atheist so I don't believe we all came from Adam and Eve sorry.
If we talk about DNA, we all came from adam and eve, so we're all mid-easterners!!! not unless you're a marcian, venusian, or SUNian... :(
LOL. I think he should have posted that statement in the Funnies section.
wow, Olive.. i didn't see your post earlier!! I stoped reading on this Mohammad Jabr's ridiculous post and have reacted right away.. :)
great minds.. :):)
Mohammad Jabr.. "here in this region all people care about each other, and love and support each other"
lol.. are you for real, mate?
I have never seen that much of hatred, and jealousy, and spying, and discrimination in my entire life..
Joke of the Day..:):)
need Legal Pad's comment objectively and not emotionally! Lol!
isnt living in this region.
are you blind dont you see his signature.
lol flan , me too
thankfully i'm an atheist and only care about myself.
"here in this region all people care about each other, and love and support each other, we are here Muslims and Arabs believes in this, not as how things going on in your home country or other countries."
ROFLMAO, that's the funniest thing I've ever read on QL!
that's why this world is not so good to live in now because of people like legal pad who doesn't care about others but himself. like the president GMA.
Our respective religions taught us kindness and not to harm others.. it also taught us to respect and be respectful.. please do not categorize people who belong to a religion as one.. one might be Muslim, Christian or Bhuddist.. but I'm pretty sure that they have their own way in practicing their faith and I'm certain that they follow the goodness our respective religions inculcated in our minds...
if you do not give a rat ass about Palestinian, then you should not be living in this rigon.
the point is that you came here to got money which you will never ever be able to have the same in your home country.
every one knows this.
here in this region all people care about each other, and love and support each other, we are here Muslims and Arabs believes in this, not as how things going on in your home country or other countries.
I started to feel the same about you and your religion and Political agenda. Honestly, I don't give a rat ass about some palestinian MOFO neither, for what I'm concern let them all burned in deepest hell pit.
On the same token it can be said that Gaza inhabitants drive so much Arab support because they are or a particular religion...had it been just the case of benevolence towards the downtrodden then why doesnt anybody here even mention about the scores of buddhists being killed in burma each day.
ok so what ?