It's all about points, and points win ......

By silversurfer •
... noh't'en'.
But, one question - why do my points keep going down?
Is it because I have posted on a since-censored thread, and you lose all the points that you gained there?
That's pretty rough, when you have been making insightful, constructive, humourous, affirmative, uplfiting and sometimes stirring (as in sit-stirring) posts!
I think there should be an automatic right of appeal to the Moderators That Be In The Ether, whenever points are deducted.
Otherwise, how will I ever fill my book with Green Sheild stamps?
hehe. that is why it is only a Matchbox..(means a small toy car)
donkey eh? why not for a Camel?
Is there any link/section given here which can provide an understanding on points??
i for my self dont have a donkey to ride on and you are asking me to award them with a ferrari YEA IN MY DREAMS I SURE WILL :?
darude says, if you get the "HIGHEST POINTS AWARD", the QL Group of Companies will give you ferrari..(matchbox..)
one more question on points
I hope qatari will lay to rest by explaing it in the forum dos and donts section
What does this points stand for ?? is there any incentive if some one has more points. Where I can detailed info on point calculation and reward schedule? Pls advice
good mornin too. ;0
hey rachelle good morning
maybe the moderator of this forum do not like your post.