Its all abit feisty in Bahrain this week.....

By MattyHardingLower •
It appears some people are not happy with some others. Naughty chaps!!
I must have been living in a bubble because this is the first Ive heard of it. Im aware of the situation over there but is rioting normal or is this kind of thing new there.
I have absolutely no clue...
and I certainly did not complain about Arabs not being allowed inside Garveys... :?
and what does casteism have to do with any of this?
I encourage you to please go to wikipedia and check on casteism
In fact I have done it for you already... check this link
When i had posted that thread about religion and christianity and Hinduism, i pointed this out and that time u had denied it.....Now this aint any sort of discrimination and u went abt complaining that arabs were not let inside the Garveys..... The only thing u found in Hinduism was the caste system.....Now what is this anythng short of casteism?
but this is the first time I have read about a death.