Items accidently melted in the car!!

By a merry can muslim •
Since moving to Qatar I have had two items melt on me from leaving them in the car. One was pretty obvious to me in retrospect that it melted and the other... not so much...
So name the items that you have accidently melt form leaving them in the car...
1) The wax seal on my degree-- Left quite a mess on the degree.
2) A pair of Adidas flip flops-- Quite shocked this melted.
My Kimi Raikkonen helmet replica (mclaren/merc) hung from my rear view mirror...when i returned from tht vacation it looked like someone supported ferrari and melted poor kimi..
A few years ago, one of those portable CD to Car Tape player adaptors melted. Now not an issue with in-car CDs
Did you Google it first?