Is it wrong to hug ?

What's wrong with hugging ?
Can you injure yourself ? Are we going too far in dictating what we can and can't do ?
The school, Adam Road Primary School in Western Australia, said it introduced the ban because hugging at the school was "out of control with students hugging each other several times a day".
The guilty student, Amber Ablett, received a recess detention after hugging her friend. This prompted an angry response from her mother, Heidi Rome, who said she was "dumbfounded" by the decision and wrote to the local newspaper to complain.
"It's not so much the detention – it's the fact there is this rule and the psychological implications it could have," Ms Rome said.
"I don't usually bring forward complaints like this and I do like the school. It's not about slandering their name – it's about this silly rule."
The acting principal, Gemma Preston, said the rule was introduced last year after injuries and bruises caused by "overenthusiastic" hugs.
"This behaviour was getting out of control with students hugging each other several times a day, and this was becoming disruptive to classes," she said.
Some parents at the school had reportedly complained of excessive contact and hugging between boyfriends and girlfriends.
ya yr right braveheart the ruling of hugging shud be ban in school as it creates sexual feeling even in the cases of same sex
If all these kids were doing was hugging, they should be happy.
it's obvious that this meant to be a sexual hug between girlfriend and boyfriends. school is not the right place for that especially several times a day.... the rule to ban it is 100% correct....
The acting principal, Gemma Preston, said the rule was introduced last year after injuries and bruises caused by "overenthusiastic" hugs.
"This behaviour was getting out of control with students hugging each other several times a day, and this was becoming disruptive to classes," she said.
Perhaps, Ms Preston needs a hug :O)
was at Lulu Hybertension market, saw a bootiful lady in blue...went to her and asked for a tight HUG she gave Blank stare and showed me her chappals...:(
me run...:(
It's been a while since I left school, but have things really changed that much ?
Why would kids need to hug in class ?
methinks , the school is pulling a fast one..
My son has been getting kisses from the girls at nursery. I should complain and ban kisses between babies.
Any sign of affection is ok as long as it's welcomed :)
Students were hugging each other several times a day and disrupting classes?? Sounds very unbelievable! I think the school actually wants to stop boys and girls from hugging in a romantic way, and is just imposing a uniform ban of hugging itself.
anyone ?
destructive hug. very new. epic!
Nothing wrong with hug but it shouldnt wrong place and wrong person.
i dont think they are talking about the harmless hugs that you give when you greet someone. This is more the tight hug you give sorta like a bear hug to inflict pain on the other person. We used to do it a lot in school, used to be just for fun but not so much for the person on the receiving end :P
I always get excessive hugs from most of my lady friends. And never had i get any injuries...
There are advantages or disadvantages of every rule.
Its always for the betterment of the pupils and in turn the society in a way. We have certain discipline to be maintained in the school premises this is a must.
You could just Shake Hands even I feel Hugging is not so much necessary inside the school.
Well outside the premises its all A Okay.
It is not wrong to hug someone who is travelling or someone you see after a while..
The school atmosphere will really be looking terrible if students are hugging each other several times a day.
ladder first you smurf
Ur story is from Australia...Irrelevant in QL.
I have never been hurt while hugging, am I doing it wrong?
I think the school management should watch the movie 'Munna bhai MBBS'...
its ok to Hug
there should be a QL hug day and spine cracking day