Is it useful to "Lie" in the Business?

With the change in the local sponsorship rules, scores of new companies are now opening their doors, in Qatar, in order to participate in the local business activities.
Most of them, however, have no formal business training, and they believe that telling lies is essential to promote the business.
What is your guidance to these new business entrants?
WT is right in his own way ............... so nice ..............
Thank you Brity,
My kind respect for you.
A correction in my comment.
Prophet Muhammed Sallalahu Alahiwasallam make istihfar more than 70 times a day. It's not thouba. Thouba is different. People make Thouba when they commit a Sin.
Istihfar is also kind of forgiveness and doesn't need to commit a Sin to make istihfar.
How ever this as per my knowledge. If any fault it's me. Not Islam.
Allah know the best. And may Allah forgive me and all mankind. Jazakallah,
Mohamed: Hats off to you my friend. You are a good person. An honest man sleeps peacefully at night.
As a sales person I try my best not to Lie.
More than a decade in Doha, my savings are very less and this month I donated around 6,00 QR from my salary apart from other amount which i sent to my close relative amounts 1,000 QR.
My income is not that high and my living standard is comparatively low compare to other people hold the similar position.
What I am trying to say is, end of the day what matter's is how happy you are. I am a happy person today for sure.
Try not to Lie. Lie will become multiple lie on the run.
Having said, that i am not a perfect person and I have many mistakes.
Prophet Mohamed Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam make Dua (Thauba) more than 70 times a day. (Asking forgiveness)
I think, Happy Shah is right.
They have to support their families too
They lie to make quick money.... A real businessman looks long term and has a plan
So, my advice is: lie, cheat, and screw people where you can and you'll be a successful businessman.
And moreover, Confucius (500 BC) considered businessmen as the lowest class in society. How right he was!
Business IS all about cheating and lying and stealing. Bill Gates is a good example. He "stole" DOS from Digital Research where he used to work and "sold" it to IBM who desperately needed an operating system to launch their first PCs. And now he is rich and famous.